Hawaiʻi’s largest public utility makes additional commitments to address potential threats to seabirds from power lines on Maui and Lāna‘i, while pursuing permits under the federal Endangered Species Act and state law
Earthjustice trabaja por una transición más rápida y justa a energía limpia. Esta labor se hace ante las comisiones de servicios públicos alrededor del país.
Each legal matter that Earthjustice takes on is a commitment to our clients and partners — a promise to fight alongside them for however long it takes.
The 2022 law required the DEC to produce a study into cryptomining’s environmental impacts by November 22, 2023; Without a completed environmental study, New York further delays meeting Climate Act goals
The Forest Service must center the strongest possible protections for forests, rivers, fish, and wildlife and support meaningful tribal involvement in forest management
New Yorkers urge the governor to stand up for people, not polluters, and implement life-saving clean truck standards in full and on time to protect public health and the climate