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document October 25, 2024

Energy Permitting Reform Act Factsheet

How the Manchin-Barrasso Energy Permitting Reform Act will impact existing environmental law

document December 14, 2023

Snake River Litigation: Factsheet on the United States Government Commitments

The United States Government Commitments, developed as part of a lengthy mediation process, pledge the federal government to continued support for the recovery of healthy and abundant salmon populations in the Columbia River Basin, provide significant federal funding to the Northwest, assist region-wide efforts and planning to address climate change, and set the region on a path to breach the four lower Snake River dams.

Valmont Power Station in Boulder, Colo., in 2011. (Josh Schutz / Getty Images)
Press Release February 22, 2024

With Broad Public Support, Legislators to Introduce Package of Bills to Address Colorado’s Ozone Crisis

Legislation will focus on permitting reform, air quality enforcement, additional measures to cut harmful pollution in Colorado

document September 14, 2022

Factsheet: Incinerators in New Jersey #ClearTheAir

New Jersey’s biggest incinerators are in our low-income communities and communities of color, and they are some of the biggest polluters. Despite being so filthy, incinerators have received over $30 million in “clean energy” subsidies since 2004. This is money that YOU pay to your utility as a ratepayer. #ClearTheAir

document August 12, 2020

HDQ Neutral Factsheet (Spanish)

HDQ Neutral es undesinfectante de amonio cuaternario. Exposición en el corto plazo al HDQ Neutral mediante la inhalación puede resultar en malestares nasales, tos y daños en las vías respiratorias.

After years of inaction by the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed long-overdue limits on six PFAS in drinking water. (Getty Images)
feature April 19, 2024

Inside EPA’s Roadmap on Regulating PFAS Chemicals

Toxic “forever chemicals” remain laxly regulated.

document October 5, 2020

CCR Part B Factsheet

EPA proposed Part B rollback allows dumping into dangerous coal ash pits.

An adult salmon navigates through the fish ladder counting room at the Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River. (Brian Plonka for Earthjustice)
Press Release December 14, 2023

U.S. Government Sets a Path to Breach the Four Lower Snake River Dams

The Biden administration commits considerable federal resources to support the restoration of native fish populations and prepare for dam breaching

The Oakland skyline, behind the Port of Oakland. The Port is one of the largest container ship facilities on the West Coast. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 21, 2023

Concerned Bay Area Residents, Environmental Groups Raise Alarm on Port of Oakland Development Project

Over 1,400 comments submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in response to draft Environmental Assessment

From the Experts February 7, 2023

Celebrating the 1-Year Anniversary of the New York Environmental Rights Amendment

Also known as the “Green Amendment,” the provision was voted into the state constitution by over 70% of New Yorkers.

Press Release May 20, 2022

Earthjustice Cheers Launch of EPA Clean School Bus Program

With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the program will distribute $5 billion dollars over the next five years to help localities electrify their school bus fleets

document January 31, 2011

Tennessee Coal Ash Factsheet

document January 31, 2011

North Carolina Coal Ash Factsheet

document January 31, 2011

South Carolina Coal Ash Factsheet

An oil refinery looms over the west side of Port Arthur, TX.
(Eric Kayne for Earthjustice)
feature April 27, 2018

A Disaster In The Making

A new report documents how people have been left in harm’s way, as the Trump administration attempts to block the Chemical Disaster Rule.

document November 15, 2006

Wyoming Wolf Lawsuit Factsheet

Myths vs. Reality regarding wolves in Wyoming

Press Release December 14, 2021

Coalition Launches Fight to Regulate Last-Mile Trucking Facilities in New York City

Advocates from across the city call on city planning commission to manage rapid growth of last-mile trucking facilities

Press Release: Victory November 4, 2009

EPA Takes First Step in Addressing Risk Posed by Toxic Pesticide Drift

Agency announcement comes just weeks after groups petition for protections