Abigail Dillen, President of Earthjustice: “This is not the kind of stately tennis match of the usual switch-over in administrations. This is full on Fight Club.”
Tracking how Earthjustice is holding the Trump administration and Congress accountable — while making progress in states, in public utility commissions, and overseas.
Yasmine Agelidis, Attorney, Right to Zero, Earthjustice: “The wheels are turning. And to take away funding now is to really put a wrench in a lot of that work.”
Steve Mashuda, Managing Attorney, Oceans Program: “We’re at a point with Rice’s whales where we need to be doing everything possible within our power to save this species. Slowing vessels down just as they’re transiting this narrow band of Rice’s Whale habitat in the Gulf of Mexico is a thing that can be done immediately.…
Steve Mashuda, Managing Attorney, Oceans Program: “If you’re concerned about whales being harmed by offshore energy, I’ve got a whale in the Gulf of Mexico I’d like you to meet. The Deepwater Horizon spill killed close to a quarter of the population alone. The Gulf doesn’t belong to the oil industry, the Gulf belongs to…
Seth Johnson, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office: “If your goal is to move fast and break things, it’s not all that surprising that you’d ignore the law. These people still want to move fast and break things.”
Ava Ibanez Amador, Attorney, Oceans Program: “The longer that you leave an infrastructure in the water, the harder it becomes to decommission, because it becomes more hazardous to have someone go in there and see what needs to be done.”
In the News: New Jersey Spotlight NewsFebruary 25, 2025
Jonathan Kalmuss-Katz, Attorney, Toxic Exposure & Health Program: “You have contamination that extends back to the 1800s. These aren’t abstract concerns.”