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document October 25, 2024

Civil Justice Community letter opposing judicial review provisions in EPRA.

civil justice groups oppose Energy Permitting Reform Act.

The Hillcrest neighborhood near "Refinery Row" in Corpus Christi, TX. About 60% of current U.S. hydrogen demand comes from crude oil refineries. (Eddie Seal for Earthjustice)
Update October 25, 2024

Hydrogen Hubs Pose Risks to Communities and the Climate

Earthjustice and our partners are hosting a community rally in Northwest Indiana’s industrial corridor near Chicago on Nov. 2 to demand clean hydrogen and make sure community voices are heard.

document October 25, 2024

Energy Permitting Reform Act Factsheet

How the Manchin-Barrasso Energy Permitting Reform Act will impact existing environmental law.

document October 25, 2024

Dangerous Judicial Review Provisions

Dangerous judicial review provisions in the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024.

Grizzly 399 and three of her cubs walk down Pilgrim Creek Road in Grand Teton National Park on May 19, 2013.
(Courtesy of Tom Mangelsen)
Press Release October 24, 2024

Earthjustice Statement on the Death of Grizzly 399, Caused by an Auto Collision

If 399’s death is not to be in vain, we should work to better protect grizzlies through better wildlife management practices

Press Release: Victory October 24, 2024

Cualquier Cantidad de Polvo con Plomo en Hogares, Escuelas y Guarderías es Peligrosa, Anunció EPA

La norma final de la agencia establece requisitos más estrictos para identificar y limpiar la pintura con plomo

A bungalow classroom door at Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood has a red tape sign indicating a presence of lead in the paint. As a result, this room and others were sealed off until they can be fixed.  (Boris Yaro / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory October 24, 2024

EPA Announces Any Lead Dust in Homes, Schools, and Daycares is Hazardous

Agency’s final rule places stronger requirements for identifying and cleaning up lead paint

Lead-based paint disintegrates over time and contaminates dust throughout homes or schools; lead in soil around these buildings also leads to children’s exposure. (M.R. / CC BY-ND 2.0)
Update October 24, 2024

EPA Adopts New Rule That Will Help Protect Kids from Lead Dust

After a decades-long battle, the EPA has adopted a rule that would deem any amount of lead dust found in schools, daycares, and homes to be a “lead hazard.”

First light strikes the summit of Mount Moran, painting the sky orange as a female grizzly wades a shallow bend in the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. (Photo courtesy of Thomas D. Mangelsen)
feature October 23, 2024

“A Lens Into Their Lives”: The Grizzlies of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Grizzly 399, an iconic bear matriarch in the Greater Yellowstone region, has died due to a vehicle strike. Earthjustice has worked for decades to safeguard grizzlies from threats to their survival. Today we are mourning Grizzly 399’s loss and reflecting on these observations of her that legendary photographer Thomas D. Mangelsen shared in 2020.

Activists march in protest at the front gate to Southern California Gas Company's Ventura Compressor Station in Ventura, California. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images).
Press Release October 22, 2024

California Regulators Rein in SoCalGas’ Use of Customer Funds for Lobbying

Proposed decision from the California Public Utilities Commission cuts utility’s requested costs for lobbying and hydrogen projects and comes after years of utility charging customers for political fights against climate measures

Uinta Basin in northeast Utah.
(Photo courtesy of Jared Hargrave)
Update October 22, 2024

We’re Defending a Bedrock Environmental Law at the Supreme Court

We’re standing up for the principle that the government must consider predictable environmental harms before it acts.

Louie Wagner Jr. casts for ooligan on the Unuk River, as his family has for generations. (Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
feature October 22, 2024

Timeline: SEITC Actions on British Columbia Mines

Learn about the major events and where we are now in this fight

Press Release October 22, 2024

New York State Cryptomining Moratorium Expires in One Month and Still No Environmental Impact Study

The 2022 law required the DEC to produce a study into cryptomining’s environmental impacts by November 22, 2023; Without a completed environmental study, New York further delays meeting Climate Act goals

A horseshoe crab in the Delaware Bay near Fortescue, N.J. (Aristide Economopoulos for Earthjustice)
Press Release October 21, 2024

Fisheries Commission Once Again Rejects Female Horseshoe Crab Harvest Proposal for Delaware Bay, Extending a Lifeline for Migratory Shorebirds

Shorebird populations, which rely on crab eggs for food, remain vulnerable

(James Olstein for Earthjustice)
feature October 21, 2024

Right To Zero: Building a Zero-emissions Future

We’re creating a zero-emissions reality from coast to coast.

So many oil and gas wells have been developed in the Uinta Basin that air pollution levels rival those of big cities. (WildEarth Guardians / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Press Release October 18, 2024

Environmental and Public Health Groups File Brief Opposing Utah Oil Train’s U.S. Supreme Court Appeal

Environmental and public health groups defending the nation’s landmark environmental law

document October 18, 2024

Seven County Infrastructure Coalition v. Eagle County: Brief

Environmental and public health groups defended the National Environmental Policy Act in a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in a case challenging the law’s scope.

High-density polyethlyene containers treated with fluorinated compounds can leach PFAS into pesticides and other liquid products (Shutterstock)
Update October 17, 2024

EPA Takes First Steps to Regulate Long-Hidden Source of Toxic PFAS

PFAS, toxic chemicals linked to a host of health harms, are found in a variety of everyday goods, including in plastic containers holding consumer products.