Our Stories

Our work changes the world.

Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice

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He Worked to Clean up Superfund Sites. The Trump Administration Fired Him.

Zubin Kapadia, a former attorney-advisor for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was fulfilling his life’s passion in his dream job.

EPA staff members stand near a sign warning of hazardous materials on the waste rock dam at the Sulphur Bank mercury mine Superfund site in Clearlake Oaks, California. EPA's Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation's most contaminated sites. (Jane Tyska / Digital First Media / East Bay Times via Getty Images)

Trump Administration Sued Over Illegal IRA Funding Freeze

Laura Beth Resnick of Butterbee Farm and Hana Vizcarra, attorney at Earthjustice, explain how Americans are stuck with the bill when the federal government reneges on its Inflation Reduction Act commitments. Related article.

First Environmental Lawsuit vs. New Trump Administration

Drew Caputo, VP of Litigation for Lands, Wildlife, Oceans at Earthjustice, explains the legal challenge. Related article.

Ceding No Ground

We have made historic progress for the climate and people's health. Whenever the Trump administration tries to roll back progress, Earthjustice will be there to fight back. Related article.

Reasons to Be Hopeful About the Courts

Here’s why we remain confident that the courts are a place where we can mount an effective defense of the environment. Related article.

Where the Trump Administration is Going and Where We Stand

How we are holding the Trump administration and Congress accountable day by day — while making progress in states, utility commissions, and overseas.

Not On Our Watch: Taking on the Trump Administration

“Just because it’s been said, doesn’t mean it’s legal or that it’s going to happen.” An analysis of initial actions from the second Trump administration and the actions we’re taking.

10 Ways We’ll Fight the Trump Administration to Protect Our Environment

From committing government to climate action to removing toxic lead from our lives, Earthjustice will defend everyone’s right to a healthy environment.

The Trump Administration Abandons Climate Action, But Crisis Remains

President Trump tries to walk away from the climate crisis by exiting the Paris Agreement and undoing federal climate actions.

We Will Not Just Watch Our Government Get Dismantled

The Trump administration’s gutting of federal agencies will wreak havoc on laws that protect everyone's health and the environment.

As Trump Takes Office Again, Earthjustice Is Ceding No Ground

One election will not deter us or erase the environmental progress we've achieved.

End Fossil Fuels

Earthjustice works alongside communities impacted by coal, oil, and gas and uses the power of the law to loosen the fossil fuel industry’s destructive grip on our world. More stories.