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Emissions from a stack at the Mitchell Power Plant, a coal-powered plant, in Moundsville, WV, on Thurs., May 4, 2023. (Lauren Petracca for Earthjustice)
Update June 27, 2024

The Supreme Court Just Ruled on a Major Air Pollution Case

Health and environmental stakes are high as the Court ruled in favor of industrial polluters and political allies in their challenge of the EPA’s efforts to curb smog and protect communities.

The U.S. Supreme Court. (Shutterstock)
Press Release June 27, 2024

Supreme Court Blocks Life-Saving Federal Air Pollution Plan

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to stay EPA’s “Good Neighbor Plan”

In the News: Politico May 20, 2024

Appeals court denies Florida request for wetlands permitting stay

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “If [Florida officials] want the program back, they need to fix their mistakes, not dig into them.”

page July 11, 2024

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document June 29, 2023

Appellants’ Reply Brief- MS Permit Board

Reply brief on Gulfport Port expansion case.

The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.
(Architect of the Capitol)
Article June 28, 2024

Supreme Court Eliminates Longstanding Legal Principle in Ruling About Fisheries Management

What you need to know about Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, and how the Court’s ruling jeopardizes the government’s ability to regulate

In the News: Politico February 23, 2024

Permitting ‘Chaos’: Florida DEP to seek stay of judge’s wetlands ruling

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The judge got it right. There’s a lot of reasons this program is illegal.”

document February 8, 2024

Order Granting Snake River Litigation Stay

A federal judge in Oregon approved a long-term pause in Snake River litigation allowing a tribal-state plan and U.S. government commitments to restore the Columbia River Basin to continue.

Press Release June 28, 2024

Corte Suprema Elimina Principio Legal Sobre La Regulación Federal

El fallo traslada el equilibrio de poder a la rama judicial

A haze of smog covers the Port of Houston. (James Dillard)
case February 28, 2024

The EPA’s Good Neighbor Plan: Defending Public Health in the Supreme Court

The future of the Good Neighbor Plan hangs in the balance, with implications for public health and economic prosperity nationwide.

document February 25, 2022

Petitioners Reply (Chlorpyrifos)

Industry reply in support of stay

The Greenidge Generating Station on the west shore of Seneca Lake, near Dresden, New York.
(Lauren Petracca for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory May 9, 2024

Another Decision Upholds Denial of Cryptominer Greenidge Generation’s Air Permit – DEC Case Closed

Climate-killing crypto miner Greenidge Generation became a national story and test case for how states should handle the exploitative and extractive crypto mining industry

The U.S. Supreme Court. (Stefani Reynolds / AFP via Getty Images)
Press Release June 28, 2024

Supreme Court Eliminates Longstanding Legal Principle Concerning Federal Regulation

Ruling shifts balance of power to judicial branch

Press Release June 29, 2023

Historic Black community in Gulfport Continues to Fight Against Ammunition Storage in their Neighborhood

The Mississippi State Permit Board failed in its duties when it rubber stamped the Port Authority’s plan to build a military facility near Black community, allowed unresolved concerns about the potential for explosives storage near homes, and ignored demands for more suitable locations for military Port facility

document December 14, 2023

Snake River Litigation: Litigation Stay

Based on a Tribal-state initiative backed by federal commitments, a coalition of fishing, conservation, and renewable energy groups, represented by Earthjustice in a lawsuit, have agreed, with the Biden administration, the states of Oregon and Washington and Nez Perce, Yakama, Warm Springs, and Umatilla Tribes, to seek a multi-year pause in Snake River litigation. The long-term litigation pause would allow for implementation of federal commitments supporting a groundbreaking new initiative advancing the recovery of salmon, steelhead and other Native fish populations throughout the Columbia River Basin.

document February 24, 2022

Plaintiff's Reply Brief – Coal Leasing

The Tribe and conservation plaintiffs request that this court declare that the challenged decision and environmental assessment (EA) violate the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and federal defendants’ tribal trust obligations, vacate the challenge decision and EA, and remand the federal defendants for analysis consistent with NEPA before resuming coal leasing that would have been foreclosed by the moratorium.

document January 13, 2022

Bureau of Land Management Reply Brief – Coal Leasing

Memorandum in support of federal defendants’ cross-motion for summary judgment and in opposition to Citizens for Clean Energy et al. and the Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s motions for summary judgment and supporting memoranda.

Press Release August 4, 2022

Parties Ask Court to Extend Stay in Legal Fight for Endangered Snake River Salmon

Urgent action is needed to restore salmon and other native fish populations