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Press Release July 16, 2024

Grupos Impugnan Falta de Penalidades en Esquema de Métricas de Desempeño de LUMA

Organizaciones ambientales y de la sociedad civil argumentan que el pobre servicio que ofrece LUMA y un laxo esquema que mida su desempeño es un tema de vida o muerte para muchos puertorriqueños.

Youth plaintiffs gather before the start of the Navahine F. v. the Hawai'i Department of Transportation hearing at the First Circuit Environmental Court in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, on January 26, 2023. Pictured left to right: Ka’ōnohi P.-G., 16, Kawahine‘Ilikea N., 13, Taliya N., 15, Navahine F., 15, Mesina D.-R., 15, Kalā W., 19, Rylee K., 15, and Kawena F., 10. (Elyse Butler for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory June 20, 2024

Historic Agreement Reached in Hawaiʻi Youth-Led Constitutional Climate Complaint

Transportation Department commits to bold action to achieve 2045 zero emission goals

The U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C (Architect of the Capitol)
Press Release July 9, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Recklessly Partisan Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill

“We urge Congress to reject this partisan exercise and instead craft a bill that addresses the challenges we face.”

Press Release April 18, 2022

San Pedro River Named Among America’s Most Endangered Rivers of 2022

Groundwater pumping, harmful development threaten endangered fish and wildlife 

In the News: The Progressive Magazine July 17, 2024

How SCOTUS Granted Donald Trump an Immortal Veto

An opinion piece by Sam Sankar, Senior Vice President of Programs, Earthjustice

A forklift is used to move sheets of steel from a stack. (Thomas Barwick / Getty Images)
Press Release June 27, 2024

California Passes First Zero-Emissions Forklift Rule in the U.S.

New standard will lift a load of smog by shifting 89,000 forklifts to zero emissions, saving the lives of 544 Californians

document May 21, 2024

Complaint: NEPA Phase 2

Complaint from 21 state attorneys general attempting to block National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Regulations Revisions Phase 2, finalized on May 1, 2024, from taking effect.

Press Release April 1, 2024

Advocates File Complaint to Challenge Southwest Power Pool’s Discriminatory Renewable Energy Accreditation

SPP failed for a second time to accurately accredit its generating resources, continues to discriminate against cleaner resources

Navajo community leader Daniel Tso speaks out against fracking at a meeting that was required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The law gives communities a chance to speak out against projects that will impact them.
(Steven St. John for Earthjustice)
Press Release June 27, 2024

Environmental and Labor Coalition Seeks to Block Baseless Partisan Attacks on Bedrock Environmental Law

Republican-led lawsuit would dismantle revitalized NEPA rules that highlight environmental justice and climate change

page July 11, 2024

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A crane lifts a wind turbine rotor onto a tower north of Abilene, Texas. (Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images)
Update June 27, 2024

We’re Defending the People’s Environmental Law in Court from Partisan Attacks

Final updates to National Environmental Policy Act ensure that communities will not be sacrificed as clean energy infrastructure ramps up.

document May 2, 2024

Complaint: Hawaiian Petrel – Grand Wailea Resort

A coalition of conservation groups filed a second lawsuit to protect Hawaiian petrels (ʻuaʻu) from dangerous lights used by the Grand Wailea Resort on Maui. Hawaiian petrels are protected as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. Today’s lawsuit was filed by Earthjustice on behalf of Conservation Council for Hawaiʻi and the Center for Biological Diversity.

Press Release December 21, 2020

Watershed Alliance Asks Court To Halt Massive San Pedro Development

Corps blindly issued critical permit for 12,000-acre development that threatens San Pedro River watershed without the comprehensive environmental review required by federal law

The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.
(Architect of the Capitol)
Article June 28, 2024

Supreme Court Eliminates Longstanding Legal Principle in Ruling About Fisheries Management

What you need to know about Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, and how the Court’s ruling jeopardizes the government’s ability to regulate

The Hillcrest neighborhood, near “Refinery Row” in Corpus Christi, TX. (Eddie Seal for Earthjustice)
Press Release February 12, 2024

Corpus Christi Civil Rights and Fair Housing Complaint Referred to U.S. Department of Justice

An important step towards justice for a historically Black neighborhood

Press Release December 2, 2020

Discovery Motion Granted in Fish & Wildlife Service’s San Pedro River Policy Reversal

For years, FWS said huge development near the river required a formal study. One phone call changed the agency’s position.

Trucks and train cars carrying shipping containers line up at the Port of Oakland in California. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)
From the Experts February 22, 2024

A Common-sense Guide to Port Management: More people-centered policies, less pandering

The California State Assembly Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement misses the mark by convening hearings on the impact of freight while focusing almost exclusively on industry needs.

The flowing San Pedro River and snow-covered Galiuro Mountains.
(Lon&Queta / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Press Release March 4, 2019

Dogged San Pedro River Advocate Files Lawsuit against Government to Uncover Settlement Talks on Local Water Rights

Potential settlement of federal water fights could suck the San Pedro dry