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First light strikes the summit of Mount Moran, painting the sky orange as a female grizzly wades a shallow bend in the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. (Photo courtesy of Thomas D. Mangelsen)
feature October 23, 2024

“A Lens Into Their Lives”: The Grizzlies of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Grizzly 399, an iconic bear matriarch in the Greater Yellowstone region, has died due to a vehicle strike. Earthjustice has worked for decades to safeguard grizzlies from threats to their survival. Today we are mourning Grizzly 399’s loss and reflecting on these observations of her that legendary photographer Thomas D. Mangelsen shared in 2020.

A Rice’s whale, one of Earth’s rarest whales. (Lisa Conger / Beth Josephson / Permit #21938 / NOAA Fisheries)
Press Release: Victory August 20, 2024

Court Orders Government to Protect Rare Gulf Whales, Sea Turtles, and Imperiled Marine Species from Damaging Effects of Offshore Drilling

Court rules that the official biological opinion is not adequate to protect species

Trains pass through the heart of downtown Barstow, California. (Matt Gush / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory September 30, 2024

California and Environmental Groups Successfully Defend Zero-Emissions Rail Rule in Latest Court Ruling

Environmental justice groups joined California Attorney General to defeat legal challenge from rail industry

Sockeye salmon in Little Redfish Lake Creek, a tributary of the Snake River. (Neil Ever Osborne / Save Our Wild Salmon)
feature December 14, 2023

Timeline: A Long Fight to Restore Snake River Salmon

Learn about the major events, court rulings, and where we are now in this long-standing fight.

Ciarra Greene, member of the Nez Perce Tribe, walks along a section of the Snake River near Asotin, Wash. (Brian Plonka for Earthjustice)
Update June 27, 2024

The Federal Government Is Finally Acknowledging How Columbia River Basin Dams Have Harmed Tribes

A new report highlights the need for concrete action to restore salmon populations and honor treaty obligations.

document August 19, 2024

Ruling: Gulf of Mexico Drilling Biological Opinion

U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland strikes down a flawed federal agency assessment that governs how endangered and threatened marine species should be protected from Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas drilling.

document August 6, 2024

Order: FWS New Findings for Upper Missouri River DPS of Arctic Grayling

Fish and Wildlife Service is directed to make a new finding as to the status of the upper Missouri River basin distinct population segment of Arctic grayling within twelve months of this order.

feature October 11, 2024

Tools for Communities: Federal Hydrogen Hub Community Guide

How communities can gain information about and influence over Hydrogen Hub projects, including DOE’s Community Benefits Plan requirements

An adult salmon navigates through the fish ladder counting room at the Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River. (Brian Plonka for Earthjustice)
Press Release December 14, 2023

U.S. Government Sets a Path to Breach the Four Lower Snake River Dams

The Biden administration commits considerable federal resources to support the restoration of native fish populations and prepare for dam breaching

Snake River's blue waters stand out against green landscape with Teton Mountain Range ascending in the background. Grand Tetons National Park, Teton County, Wyoming. (Edwin Remsberg / Getty Images)
Update December 7, 2023

Snake River Salmon Are in Crisis — But a Turning Point May Be Near

As time runs out for Pacific Northwest salmon, the Biden administration is signaling important steps to restore native fish populations and honor treaty obligations.

document August 19, 2024

Order: Gulf of Mexico Drilling Biological Opinion

Order from the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland striking down a flawed federal agency assessment that governs how endangered and threatened marine species should be protected from Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas drilling.

Arctic grayling. A primary factor in the decline of the species’ range has been the ongoing diversion of water from the grayling’s stream habitat for agricultural uses and degradation of riparian areas. (K. Sowl / 2011 USFWS Alaska Fish Photo Contest)
Press Release: Victory August 7, 2024

Montana’s Arctic Grayling Get New Shot at Endangered Species Protection

Fish and Wildlife Service have twelve months for new finding on rare fish

document September 30, 2024

Federal District Court ruling in lawsuit targeting California’s zero-emissions rail standard

Today, a federal district judge ruled in favor of the State of California, as well as community and environmental groups, by pausing an industry challenge to California’s In-Use Locomotive Regulation until the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency decides whether to approve the rule under the federal Clean Air Act.

The Kuskokwim River provides a critical source of wild food and serves as a bedrock of identity and cultural values for Alaska Native Tribal citizens and community members living downstream from the Donlin mine site.
Press Release: Victory September 30, 2024

Six Tribes in Southwest Alaska Win Legal Challenge Against the Donlin Gold Mine

The federal court ruling in Alaska declares that a key federal permit authorizing the construction and operation of the world’s largest pure gold mine violates environmental and subsistence protection laws

A sockeye salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus nerka</i>) in Little Redfish Lake Creek, Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho. (Neil Ever Osborne / Save Our Wild Salmon / iLCP)
Press Release April 24, 2023

Washington State Legislature Takes Important Next Steps Towards Honoring Treaty Responsibilities to Tribal Nations and Restoring Endangered Salmon in the Lower Snake River

The Northwest Salmon Restoration Campaign celebrates progress on the largest river restoration in history

Lower Granite Dam, one of the four massive dams on the Lower Snake River, that is driving wild salmon to extinction. The other three are Ice Harbor, Little Goose, and Lower Monumental.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature January 8, 2023

Why Restoration of the Lower Snake River is Necessary to Save Wild Salmon

It’s time for the four dams on the Lower Snake River to go and for our salmon to come home — to a free-flowing and healthy Snake River.

Sun sets on a dammed section of the Snake River in between Lower Granite dam and Lewiston, ID, near Chief Timothy Park. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release February 8, 2024

Oregon’s U.S. District Court Approves Long-Term Pause of Snake River Litigation, Allowing Columbia River Restoration to Move Forward

Judge rejects requests by opponents to disapprove agreement

Snake River's blue waters stand out against green landscape with Teton Mountain Range ascending in the background. Grand Tetons National Park, Teton County, Wyoming. (Edwin Remsberg / Getty Images)
Press Release February 23, 2024

Earthjustice Plaintiffs Join in White House Ceremony Uplifting Historic Columbia Basin Restoration Agreement

The landmark restoration agreement was announced in December and approved by the court earlier this month