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Roishetta Sibley Ozane (left) founded The Vessel Project of Louisiana and co-directs the Gulf South Fossil Fuel Finance Hub. Robert Thompson is an Inupiat guide who has worked to protect the Arctic Refuge from oil drilling.
feature September 3, 2024

Our Energy Future

Uplifting voices across the nation, who are leading the way to cleaner, safer energy sources.

Press Release September 10, 2024

Environmentalists Seek Legal Intervention to Defend Denver’s Strong Energy Codes

Codes could reduce building sector emissions that contribute to poor air quality and climate change

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release August 6, 2024

Suncor Energy Sued Over Repeated Clean Air Act Violations in Colorado

Refinery operator continues to exceed federal limitations on hazardous air pollution, threatening the health of surrounding residents

Inside a pig industrial animal factory in Worthington, MO. (Kathryn Gamble for The Washington Post via Getty Images)
From the Experts August 21, 2024

No Clean Electricity Tax Credits for Dirty Manure Biogas

Earthjustice and partners urge the Treasury Department to prohibit electricity producers that use biogas from animal manure from receiving Clean Electricity Tax Credits.

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 17, 2024

Impulsando la Transición hacia la Energía Limpia

Earthjustice trabaja por una transición más rápida y justa a energía limpia. Esta labor se hace ante las comisiones de servicios públicos alrededor del país.

Solar panels in Colorado. (Arina P Habich / Shutterstock)
From the Experts May 10, 2024

How We’re Pushing Colorado to Make Buildings Climate-Friendly

For a decade, Earthjustice has advocated for a cleaner and more equitable energy system at the Colorado PUC—and we’re seeing progress.

The Tongass is America’s largest national forest.
(Brian Logan / U.S. Forest Service)
Press Release January 30, 2024

Alaska Native Tribes, Southeast Alaska Businesses and Forest Advocates Defend Tongass National Forest’s Roadless Rule

Legal intervention seeks to retain forest protections that support Tribes, communities, and sustainable local economies

Power lines near Pittsburgh, Penn. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature June 3, 2024

Powering up the Clean Energy Transition

See how Earthjustice makes the case before public utility commissions for a faster, fairer transition to clean energy.

Lilian Bello spoke against a proposed natural gas plant in Oxnard, California, that, if allowed, would join three existing gas plants on the city’s beach.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature May 13, 2024

A Fossil Fuel Company Tried to Put a Dirty Gas Plant on a Beautiful Coastline. It Failed.

Earthjustice’s work in state energy proceedings like California is driving the state, and the nation’s, clean energy transition.

Commissioner John A. Tuma, left, speaks during a Minnesota Public Utilities Commission meeting in 2018, in St. Paul, Minn. (Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Star Tribune via AP)
feature May 15, 2024

Want to Lower Your Power Bills and Help Your State Fight Climate Change? Here’s Who to Talk to

In public utility commissions, Earthjustice is helping communities push for clean, affordable electricity for all.

Map of smog air pollution by county in 2022. (Air Quality System Data / U.S. EPA)
feature November 29, 2023

What’s the state of smog pollution where you live?

Search by county to see the level of smog pollution in the air. Smog can trigger asthma attacks and increase the risk of heart and lung diseases.

Map of soot air pollution by county in 2022. (Air Quality System Data / U.S. EPA)
feature November 29, 2023

What’s the state of soot pollution where you live?

Search by county to see the level of soot pollution in the air. Soot causes death and serious health harms.

The Development Driller III in the Gulf Of Mexico, off the coast of Louisiana. (Gerald Herbert / AP)
Press Release August 21, 2024

Environmental Groups File Amicus Brief in Defense of Rulemaking Strengthening Financial Requirements for Offshore Oil-and-Gas Operators

Big Oil also defending govt. rule, opposing Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi

A large liquified natural gas transport ship sits docked in the Calcasieu River on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, near Cameron, Louisiana. (Jon Shapley / Houston Chronicle via Getty Images)
Article June 27, 2024

What You Need to Know About Oil and Gas Exports

Stopping the oil and gas export boom is critical to meet U.S. climate goals.

Grizzly bear in Grand Teton National Park. (Jackie Skaggs / National Park Service)
Press Release September 10, 2024

Idaho, Montana & National Groups Put Feds on Notice on Bitterroot Road Building

Earthjustice will go to court to protect critical connective ecosystem for grizzly bears

Loggerhead sea turtles are among the marine creatures vulnerable to seismic testing for gas and oil.
(Vladimir Wrangel / Getty Images)
Update August 20, 2024

Court Win Protects Endangered Whales and Sea Turtles From Oil Drilling

Judge strikes down federal assessment that allowed dangerous oil and gas drilling to kill imperiled wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico.

Valmont Power Station in Boulder, Colo., in 2011. (Josh Schutz / Getty Images)
Press Release February 22, 2024

With Broad Public Support, Legislators to Introduce Package of Bills to Address Colorado’s Ozone Crisis

Legislation will focus on permitting reform, air quality enforcement, additional measures to cut harmful pollution in Colorado