Ohio Clean Air Act Enforcement

Case Overview

Many industrial facilities in Ohio emit illegal amounts of air pollution, operating with illegal permits or no permits at all. The Environmental Protection Agency should have taken steps long ago but has failed to so do. Earthjustice is suing to force the agency to do its job.


Case Updates

February 2, 2011 feature

A Success Story, with Many Chapters Still to Come

The Clean Air Act has substantially improved the lives of millions of Americans. Polluting industries have fought progress every step of the way. To protect your right to breathe, Earthjustice is working to ensure polluting industries don’t stand in the way of clean air protections.

April 29, 2004 Press Release

Lax Permitting Practices Contribute to Ohio's Air Pollution

Court urged to require EPA to crack down on state's clean air program

October 3, 2002 Press Release

Earthjustice Suit Seeks to Rein in Air Pollution in Ohio

EPA continues to allow illegal operating permits for major pollution sources