Boatload of Hope Heads Out to Gulf Oil Spill

BP's best chance to contain gushing oil leak is hours away

This page was published 14 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

Update: The Washington Post also is reporting on today’s attempt to contain the spill.

AP reports that the containment vessel has arrived at the scene of the spill.

In just a few hours, a giant dome—even now being hauled by boat through oil-thick Gulf of Mexico waters—will be in position and ready to lower onto the gushing British Petroleum oil well leak. If it works, the well’s 200,000+ gallons will be contained, enabling BP to siphon it into ships.

There is nothing sure about this. It’s stricly experimental. Never been tried before. And BP officials are openly crossing their fingers. After failing for two weeks to even slow down the gusher, this is their best hope. If it fails, many more weeks of unrestrained oil flow will pour into gulf waters, adding to a vast, menacing area of oil bigger than Puerto Rico.

Anxious residents of four gulf coast states aren’t counting on something miraculous from this dome procedure—they are too busy preparing for what’s already spilled and headed their way. BP doesn’t have a solution for oil churned by wind and waves into a frothy chocolately mousse that threatens to destroy livelihoods and wildlife linked to the sea.

From 2006–2014, Terry was managing editor for Earthjustice's blog, online monthly newsletter and print Earthjustice Quarterly Magazine.