Defending Yellowstone’s Grizzly Bears: Inside the Case
Defending Yellowstone’s Grizzly Bears: Inside the Case
Earthjustice Attorney Tim Preso explains the legal issues at stake, on the eve of the Aug. 30 court hearing and trophy hunts scheduled in Wyoming and Idaho. How you can help.
The day after this video was released, Tim Preso delivered oral arguments at Russell Smith Courthouse in Missoula in the lawsuit challenging removal of federal protections for Yellowstone’s grizzly bears. During the Aug. 30 hearing, Judge Dana L. Christensen did not issue a decision in the case.
Directly following the hearing, Preso filed a request for a temporary restraining order to stop the upcoming trophy hunts. Hours later, Judge Christensen granted the temporary restraining order.
On Sept. 24, the judge issued his ruling in the case, finding that the Trump administration’s decision to strip Endangered Species Act protections from the population was illegal. Federal safeguards for Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears were reinstated. The decision spares the grizzlies from the planned trophy hunt.
About The Legal Case. Alongside our allies and on behalf of our clients, Earthjustice attorneys have worked for decades to safeguard Yellowstone’s grizzlies from habitat destruction, excessive killing and other threats. Learn more.
Published on August 29, 2018