Feds Release Chilling Climate Change Report

It’s as close as our own backyards, as far away as the Arctic. It’s affecting birds, boys, butterflies and bugs. Creeks are feeling it, and the oceans, too. It’s here, it’s now, and mostly it’s caused by humans. It’s global warming and we have to take immediate, powerful counter measures to prevent massive planet-wide consequences,…

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It’s as close as our own backyards, as far away as the Arctic. It’s affecting birds, boys, butterflies and bugs. Creeks are feeling it, and the oceans, too. It’s here, it’s now, and mostly it’s caused by humans.

It’s global warming and we have to take immediate, powerful counter measures to prevent massive planet-wide consequences, warns the federal government in a chilling report just released today.

Thirteen federal agencies and the White House collaborated in the study, which was put together by the United States Global Change Research Program with oversight from White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

As reported by The New York Times, the study concludes that:

The impact of a changing climate is already being felt across the United States, like shifting migration patterns of butterflies in the West and heavier downpours in the Midwest and East.

Even if the nation takes significant steps to slow emissions of heat-trapping gases, the impact of global warming is expected to become more severe in coming years, the report says, affecting farms and forests, coastlines and floodplains, water and energy supplies, transportation and human health.

Such a report must be issued every 10 years, under a 1990 law. This study was begun in 2000. See the complete report at www.globalchange.gov/usimpacts.

From 2006–2014, Terry was managing editor for Earthjustice's blog, online monthly newsletter and print Earthjustice Quarterly Magazine.