Fernando Gaytan, Attorney, California Office: “It’s all the more reason why we really need our local air regulators… to take more seriously what we need to do locally to address the public health crisis that port pollution causes.”
Court dismissed legal challenges to local law to phase out dirty fossil fuels in buildings, clean the air, and help reach NYC’s goals to cut climate pollution
Shannon Fisk, Director of State Electric Sector Advocacy, Clean Energy Program: “Just coming in with a sledgehammer and destroying it all makes absolutely no sense and will be terrible for the public.”
Senate continues to show leadership by putting struggling families first and including NY HEAT Act in one-house – now Assembly must follow and include full bill in final budget; NY HEAT Act would save families who need it most an average of $136 every month and curb future utility rate hikes happening across NYS
Adam Kron, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office: “It would mean a real disservice to communities, first responders and workers. It would put them in greater harm’s way from these chemical disasters.”
Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched a rulemaking process after corporate lobbyists pressed the agency to dismantle safeguards against chemical disasters.
Grupos se unen a la demanda de la MTA contra la revocación del programa de tarifa por congestión que ha dado como resultado un aire más limpio, menos tráfico y fondos cruciales para mejoras del transporte público y actualizaciones del metro de la ciudad
Groups join MTA’s lawsuit against DOT’s approval revocation of Congestion Pricing Tolling Program that results in cleaner air, less traffic, and crucial funding for public transportation improvements and subway upgrades