Bloggers Unite over Fight to Clean Up Cement Kilns

People around the Web and across the country are talking about our Cleaning Up Mercury, Protecting Our Health campaign to raise awareness about the serious health risks of mercury poisoning and to support the recent EPA proposal for cutting mercury pollution. Here are some of the comments making the rounds: Jack E. urged: Should you…

This page was published 15 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

People around the Web and across the country are talking about our Cleaning Up Mercury, Protecting Our Health campaign to raise awareness about the serious health risks of mercury poisoning and to support the recent EPA proposal for cutting mercury pollution.

Here are some of the comments making the rounds:

Jack E. urged:

Should you be concerned about mercury emissions from cement kilns? There are kilns all around the country, including near major cities. […] Send an e-mail to the EPA commending their decision. Your comments will drown out the negative response from mining companies!

CASE Central wrote:

The cement kiln lobbyists have already started telling the EPA what they think. It is imperative that we also tell the EPA that we care about a meaningful reduction of mercury and other toxins from cement plants and support their efforts to put forward these new regulations. […] You can also send an email to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson here:

And Eco-Kat posted the Cupertino Cement Kiln Flyover video and said:

Wouldn’t it be great if pregnant women could eat all the fish they want without fear of mercury toxicity? This video via Earthjustice is just one example of what’ keeping that from happening. They’re asking us to take action: […] Send EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson an e-mail commending her decision to finally regulate mercury and other pollution from cement kilns. Tell her that you want clean air and clean water, and it’s time for corporate polluters to do their part to protect public health and the environment!

Jared was the head coach of Earthjustice's advocacy campaign team from 2004 to 2014.