Voters Tell Obama: Get To Work On Clean Energy Future

The American people have reinvested their faith in a President who now has a second chance to put this nation on course to a prosperous future built on clean energy and with a far-reaching goal of ending mankind’s role in climate change. In the wake of superstorm Sandy, voters saw—and many continue to experience—the impacts…

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Sandy Staggers East Coast — And Climate Deniers

Hurricane Sandy delivered a lot of pain when it punched into the East Coast. As I write this, a week later, the sea has retreated but the suffering remains. Half of Manhattan is cold and dark. The New Jersey shore is in bits. Parts of Long Island are knocked out. Having spent most of my…

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Super-storm Sandy: Spawn of Climate Change?

Today, in an editorial, the Los Angeles Times took on a question that many of us have been pondering – did climate change cause super-storm Sandy? The newspaper didn’t try to answer the question, but instead made a strong case for how global warming made Sandy more intense: In part, it’s because Sandy involved a…

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Conservationists Act to Protect Sensitive Bay and Crab Fishery in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest

Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest is as much ocean as land. It includes saltwater bays, fjords, canals, channels, and too many islands to count. At this intersection of land and ocean, life flourishes where forest creeks and streams empty nutrients into shallow saltwater bays. Among other species, dungeness crabs flourish, fed seasonally by the carcasses…

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Lies, Damned Lies And Coal Company Biologists

Coal companies have been blasting mountains, dumping waste rock into streams, and undermining private and public lands for more than a century. It’s apparently lucrative to do so. But a recent filing by a coal company shows just how far they have drunk their own Kool-Aid (or coal ash?) in justifying the damage mining can…

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Fracking in California? We're On The Case.

Here’s what we know: Fracking is already happening in California. Based on the oil and gas industry’s own admission, there were 600 wells that were fracked in 2011 alone. Here’s what we don’t know: exactly where, when, or what chemicals the oil and gas industry is blasting into the ground during fracking. What makes matters…

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Too Close to Risk It

Shell Oil has until the end of October to wrap up drilling operations in the Arctic.

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How Clean Are Your Local Waterways?

You know that creek in your backyard, or the river or lake near your town? Have any idea what kind of condition it is in, or how polluted it is? Most people probably don’t  — up until now, it hasn’t been very easy to get this information. But to help people find out about the condition…

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Time To Slay Another Dragon At Fisheating Creek

As everyone involved in the environmental movement knows, we’ve got to stay vigilant with each passing year to make sure that that our victories don’t get undone. So, on Oct. 2, the Florida office of Earthjustice filed suit to protect a landmark citizen’s victory that we won in a jury trial 15 years ago. Once…

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