The Earth Needs YOU This Election Season

After the summer we have had, my mind is on climate change, what more Earthjustice can do about it, and what’s at stake in this election. I experienced the effects of climate change this summer during a trip through Colorado. Heat, drought and fire set an almost apocalyptic tone for the trip. There was no…

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Sugar Industry Seeks To Use Everglades As Toilet

For decades, U.S. sugar barons have been dumping their polluted runoff into the Florida Everglades. Day after day, these politically powerful corporations send chemical fertilizers and pesticides into the great marsh—wrecking America’s only subtropical wilderness in the process. It’s clearly wrong for sugar plantations to use our public natural resources as their private dumping grounds,…

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Groups Across U.S. Unite Against Coal Ash Bill

Seeking protection from unsafe dumping practices, more than 300 public interest groups from 43 states, representing millions across the nation, sent a letter this week to the U.S. Senate opposing S. 3512, the “Coal Ash Recycling and Oversight Act of 2012.” The bill, introduced last July by Sens. Hoeven (R-SD), Conrad (D-SD) and Baucus (D-…

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Taking Wyoming Wolf Hunting To Court

The tragic delisting of Wyoming’s gray wolves from the Endangered Species List has many wildlife defenders up in arms, and with sound reason: the removal of protections for the wolves marks an end to many years of successful recovery efforts of a species that was once on the verge of extinction. To hand over the…

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Stand With Appalachia Solidarity Day

The Mountain Heroes photo petition.

Today’s the day that we deliver our Mountain Heroes photo petition to the Obama administration! This massive photo petition is historic—it includes photos and personal messages and stories from more than 13,500 people across the country who wrote to President Obama and his administration for an end to mountaintop removal mining. It’s the largest photo petition ever to be delivered to the president, and it’s all about ending the nation’s most destructive mining practice, protecting Appalachian families and communities, and standing up for clean water, healthy communities, environmental justice, and beautiful mountains and wildlife.

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'Remembering David Brower'

David Brower was the most prominent, influential and controversial environmental leader of the second half of the 20th century. He was a visionary, a brilliant publicist, and also prickly and demanding. This and much more comes through clearly in a new book published by Heyday of Berkeley to celebrate Brower’s 100th birthday. Alas, he isn’t…

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Hero For Those "Who Don't Have A Say"

Larry Gibson, watching the sun set over a decimated Kayford Mountain.

The fight to end mountaintop removal will not stop until mountaintop removal stops, but yesterday we lost one of the most beloved heroes and leaders of the movement. Larry Gibson, the Keeper of the Mountains, died on Kayford Mountain, a sacred place he fought for three decades to save. He recalled how, 30 years ago, some…

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