A Victory—and Challenges Ahead—for the Green River

It’s been a tough spring for rivers in the Rocky Mountain West. After a winter that never really got started, the snow pack—our primary source for water in our rivers—is historically low in Colorado and throughout the region. Runoff from snow melt is sparse and came early, leaving behind disappointing river peak flows. The last…

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Unplugged: Saving the Planet One Wash at a Time

We know we have been critical of the Obama administration of late, calling on the Department of Energy to get moving on publishing crucial energy efficiency standards. But we are happy to applaud the administration when they make good on their promise for a clean energy future. The latest: new clothes washer and dishwasher standards…

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The Dirty Truth About "All of The Above" Energy

Sometimes an all-in strategy can tarnish the entire package. Take for example President Obama’s recent decision to tout an “all-of-the-above” approach to achieving energy independence and lowering gas prices. It’s a catchy, feel-good campaign slogan perfect for banners and sound bites, but it’s a hollow energy strategy. Worse yet, it opens America up for destructive…

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Conflicts Over Coal Export in Pacific Northwest

Loaded coal hoppers at sunset.

With domestic demand for coal waning in the United States, coal companies seek to ship as much coal as possible from Montana and Wyoming’s Powder River Basin to emerging Asian economies. Earthjustice is calling for environmental review of proposed projects.

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Join Us In Rio, President Obama

Twenty-two environmental organizations including Earthjustice, representing more than 5 million Americans, sent a letter to President Obama on Friday, urging him to lead the U.S. delegation at the Rio+20 Earth Summit in June and be a strong advocate for action on clean energy, environmental rights and healthy oceans. More than 130 heads of state and…

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Born To Be Wild Once More

One of the newborn bison calves, born at Montana's Fort Peck in the spring of 2012.

Home on the range, where the deer and antelope play? Forget about it. How about buffalo (yeah, I know they’re really bison). After years of dreaming about getting one of the original Americans back out on the prairie where they belong, we’re a big step closer to seeing it happen. After killing every last buffalo…

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Tr-Ash Talk: Living With Lies and Coal Ash

It’s inspiring to see the commitment of Rep McKinley’s constituents living in the shadow of First Energy’s behemoth 1000-acre Little Blue Run waste dump continuing to speak the truth amid the lies flaunted by corporate interests. Steve and Annette Rhodes, life-long residents of West Virginia, describe the stark and unfortunate reality of living near a toxic coal ash dump and debunk the many falsehoods spouted by Rep. McKinley in their recent piece in The Hill, Rep McKinley We Live Here with the Coal Ash.

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1 Million Voices: Protect Our Arctic Ocean

On a muggy summer Tuesday morning, polar bears, a walrus, a sandpiper and 150 activists delivered to White House more than one million comments from concerned members of the public—all asking President Obama to stop plans by Shell Oil to drill in the remote, fragile waters of the Arctic Ocean.

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