Here's Why Asthmatics Need Dirty Air

A remarkable thing happened during a Senate hearing today on the EPA’s rule to limit toxic air pollution from coal-fired power plants. A critic of the agency’s policy argued that reducing air pollution from coal-fired power plants—the nation’s worst air polluters—is a bad idea because it will make it more expensive for asthmatics to run…

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Inupiat Leader Wins Goldman Award

The world’s largest prize for environmental action has been awarded to Caroline Cannon, an Inupiat leader and former president of the Native Village of Point Hope in Alaska. Cannon is the North American recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize, a major prize awarded annually to grassroots environmental heroes from the six inhabited continents. Erik Grafe, an…

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Farmworkers Savor Sweet Taste of Victory

Methyl iodide is a highly toxic pesticide and known carcinogen that’s used primarily in strawberry fields.

In March of 2012, the maker of methyl iodide took the chemical off the market, less than a year after Earthjustice sued to protect strawberry field workers from the deadly pesticide. This means that those who labor on our behalf can themselves enjoy the fruits of their labor without fear of crippling or even fatal results.

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In Florida, Green Is Toxic

As I write this, a new toxic algae bloom has broken out on southwest Florida’s Caloosahatchee River, filling the air with a sickening stench. We are so infuriated at seeing this heartbreaking pollution disaster wreck our beautiful Florida so early in the toxic algae season. As you’ve read in this blog before, these outbreaks of…

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Lloyd’s Urges Caution In The Arctic

The Obama administration is all ears—deaf ones—when it comes to dire warnings about drilling in the Arctic made by scientists, policymakers, international figures and celebrities. The latest caution came today from the world’s largest and oldest insurance market, Lloyd’s of London, which warned that offshore drilling in the Arctic would “constitute a unique and hard-to-manage…

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Snatching Skagit River Water Is In The Public Interest?

Washington state’s Swinomish tribe faces a water rights battle in the Skagit River basin, the likes of which we have seen before. It’s reminiscent of the dispute that broke out around a decade ago in the Klamath River basin in California and Oregon. That dispute led to a fish kill of about 70,000 salmon after…

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Little Fish Are a Big Deal

Over the last 100 years the industrial fishing fleet has become very good at strip-mining the ocean of forage fish

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Twice Rejected, Developer Again Tries To Seize Water

How many times does Aaron Million need to hear the word, no? The president of Wyco development corporation has twice been rejected by federal agencies in his attempt to build Flaming Gorge Pipeline—a massive trans-basin water supply project that would annually take approximately 81 billion gallons of water from the Flaming Gorge Reservoir and the…

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