Victory Stands For The Roadless Rule

Nearly 50 million acres of America’s most pristine public forest lands remain protected today, thanks to a decision this afternoon by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals denying a last-ditch effort by the State of Wyoming and the Colorado Mining Association to overturn the U.S. Forest Service Roadless Area Conservation Rule, more commonly known as…

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Clinton Acts To Reduce Global Warming Pollutants

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, along with EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, announced a program, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, today to reduce methane, soot and other pollutants. The United States is jumpstarting the program by contributing $12 million over the next two years. "By focusing on these pollutants, how to reduce them and, where possible,…

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Thousands Join Florida Anti-Slime Brigade

A big thank you to the more than 17,000 people who have sent letters to the White House so far in support of strong U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits for sewage, manure and fertilizer in Florida waters. We so appreciate you all having our backs on our quest to clean up Florida’s number-one pollution problem.…

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Two-Headed Fish, Brought to You by Polluters

An Idaho stream is home to two-headed trout, thanks to selenium pollution, a common contaminant from phosphate mining, agriculture and—you guessed it—coal ash.

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Friday Finds: McDonalds’ Pink Slime Problem

McDonald’s takes pink slime goop out of burgers It’s official: The next time you have a Big Mac craving, you no longer have to worry about your burger being loaded with pink goo, reports MSNBC. Recently, McDonald’s announced that it is no longer using ammonium hydroxide, an anti-microbrial agent that, when used on inedible scrap…

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Obama 'Promise' Keeps Arctic Drilling On Table

On backing down, backing away, and backing into a corner . . . President Obama’s statement, “I will not back down from making sure an oil company can contain the kind of oil spill we saw in the Gulf two years ago,” was one the more awkward sentences in his State of the Union speech,…

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Think the Weather's Getting Crazier? You're Right

I’m going to stand back and just give you a taste of a report from the Earth Policy Institute. Scary. I recommend you read the whole thing and send it around. There are still people who should know better denying climate change. They are welcome to believe whatever they like, but they shouldn’t be playing…

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Times Columnist Spouts Keystone Nonsense

The New York Times describes Joe Nocera as a business columnist, but a quick scan of recent columns is very heavy on pieces about the woes of the NCAA, the National Collegiate Athletic Association. If today’s column is any indication, we’d all be better off if he stuck with sports. His thesis is that rejecting…

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