Lump of Coal (Make That a Clump of Oil) In Your Stocking

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about the great big man in the red suit and last-minute Christmas shopping. I’m talking about the House GOP majority trying to deliver on their year-long assault on environmental and public health protections in the last two bills that will be passed by Congress this…

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Friday Finds: Quench Your Chemical Thirst

American sodas spiked with flame retardants That mid-day caffeine boost you reach for every afternoon may contain a chemical that causes skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders, reports Environmental Health News. Sodas like Mountain Dew and Gatorade contain brominated vegetable oil (BVO), a synthetic chemical  that keeps a soda’s fruity flavors well-mixed inside the can…

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Report Shows Climate Change Threats To Communities in Latin America

Consider this: the United States has contributed 28.75 percent of historical, cumulative greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while all Central and South American nations combined have only contributed 3.58 percent. And that, although the population of Latin America is nearly double that of the United States. Of course, the tricky thing about climate change is that…

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U.S. Falls Short At U.N. Climate Conference

(Earthjustice attorney Erika Rosenthal represented the organization at U.N. climate talks that wrapped up Sunday in Durban, South Africa.) The first U.N. climate talks held on African soil ended in the wee hours of Sunday with important progress in several key areas – preserving the Kyoto Protocol, launching negotiations on a new more comprehensive accord,…

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Obama's Historic Chance To Control Coal Pollution

This Friday, the Obama administration has the historic opportunity to rein in a coal industry that has been allowed to pour toxic emissions like mercury, benzene and arsenic into our lives without limit. There’s little question that the administration will set limits – the law requires it and the courts have ordered it. The question,…

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Obama Filling The West’s Stocking With Coal

As fall turns to winter, President Obama has continued his virtually unbroken streak of bending over backwards for the coal industry in the West.  For those who love Western public lands and could do without more subsidies to Big Coal, Mr. Obama has been more Grinch than Santa. For example, the Forest Service recently consented…

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Will World's Nations Use Road Map To Fix Climate Change?

(Earthjustice attorney Erika Rosenthal is attending the 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Durban, South Africa. This is the second in a series of blogs she will be filing from the conference.) Fairness isn’t a philosophical or academic question here in Durban. Deep divisions on…

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Friday Finds: New Mexico’s Dairy Industry Steps In Cow Pie

New Mexico dairies forced to clean up their cow pies New Mexico recently passed some of the most progressive water regulations for dairy farm operations in the West, reports High Country News. Large dairy operations create huge waste problems—each cow produces about 145 pounds of solid and liquid waste per day—so when Texas transplant Jerry…

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