Stormy Waters: Earthjustice’s Patti Goldman on Orcas

This is the second in a series of Q and As on Earthjustice’s oceans work, which works to prevent habitat loss and overfishing as well as reduce the impacts of climate change on the ocean. In early 2000, Patti Goldman, Earthjustice’s VP of Litigation, spearheaded efforts to protect the Puget Sound’s threatened orca whale population.…

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Victory For America's Forests

Last month, protection for nearly 50 million acres of wild lands was resoundingly affirmed in a court decision that will benefit future generations. After 13 years of legal battles by Earthjustice on behalf of our allies, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the Roadless Rule, a landmark preservation act that protects our nation’s wild…

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Friday Finds: The CIA’s Climate Change Secret

CIA shouldn’t be keeping secrets about climate change A new report by a U.S. government agency known as the Defense Science Board says that the CIA needs to stop being so secret about its climate change research, reports the UK Guardian. Though climate denialism in government seems to be all the rage these days, the…

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The Dog Ate My Clean Air Standards

In 1990, Congress gave the Environmental Protection Agency a very important homework assignment: protect the American public from mercury, lead, benzene, dioxins and other invisible toxic air pollutants, because what we can’t see can hurt us. Twenty-one years later, these dangerous pollutants are still pouring forth in large quantities from smokestacks across the country. Some…

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Stormy Waters: Earthjustice’s Steve Roady on Oceans

This is the first in a series of Q and As on Earthjustice’s oceans work, which works to prevent habitat loss and overfishing, as well as reduce the impacts of climate change on the ocean.

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Why Our President Pulled the Plug on Ozone Rule

A few months ago when the Obama Administration abruptly scrapped a stronger ozone standard, we were blindsided. Turns out, we weren’t the only ones. This New York Times article gives an illuminating look at the political wrangling behind the scenes of the decision, and indicates that EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson herself was blindsided. So much…

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More Appliance Listings Missing Energy Efficiency Information

Back in July, I wrote about the lengths to which shoppers sometimes have to go in order to find legally required energy efficiency information about appliances for sale online. In response, more than 10,000 of you wrote in supporting our petition telling the Federal Trade Commission to require online retailers to display that information front…

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The Nation Is Sick of Soot

Sometimes, little things cause big problems. The tiny particles in soot pollution are 1/30th the width of a strand of your hair, and yet those tiny particles may be responsible for the premature deaths of tens of thousands of Americans every year. Earthjustice, Clean Air Task Force and the American Lung Association released a report…

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Tr-Ash Talk: Calling On All Skeptics

This week, the House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Environment will investigate how the Environmental Protection Agency incorporates science into its rulemaking process. Given that the EPA has been Public Enemy Number 1 for the GOP-controlled House, this is likely to be another opportunity for Republicans and their comrades to target the…

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