Friday Finds: Bacon Grease Blues

Chinese food regulations go down the gutter Some restaurants in China are taking Mom’s sage advice to reuse the bacon grease to a new, hazardous level, reports Time magazine. Recently, Chinese authorities announced a crackdown on so-called “gutter oil,” the resale of used cooking oil that’s been snagged from sewers or complacent restaurant owners. In…

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House Passes TRAIN Act/Wreck

We all deserve to breathe clean air, but the House of Representatives today acted as if our air doesn’t need to be quite so clean. Guided by Rep. Eric Cantor’s toxic dirty-air agenda and a host of political paybacks to dirty-industry campaign contributors, the House passed a bill to block the Environmental Protection Agency from…

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Unplugged: Why Won’t Target Follow the Law?

Target has made headlines lately for its customer service debacle involving the launch of a designer line, but, unfortunately, the company’s woes with customers seem only to get worse. Today, Earthjustice filed a citizen complaint with the Federal Trade Commission because the company has withheld from its customers important energy information on appliances. Congress has…

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America's Best Idea Is Gasping For Air

Our National Park system—the first in the world—has been dubbed “America’s best idea.” But that great idea, which offers millions a respite from our industrialized life, is now beseiged more than ever by a symptom of that life—smog. The National Parks Conservation Association published a report last week showing that the number of bad ozone…

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Elwha Dam Removal Brings Hope To Northwest Salmon

This week, workers began tearing down two massive dams on Washington’s Elwha River. Together, the 108-foot high Elwha Dam and the nearby 210-foot Glines Canyon Dam have stood for nearly a century — as barriers between seven distinct native salmon runs and their natal streams in the Olympic National Park. The removal and restoration, hailed as…

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Salmon Ruling Appears To Help Fish and Farmers

On Tuesday, a Fresno judge issued a mixed ruling on a federal salmon rebuilding plan critical to the survival of struggling Central Valley salmon runs as well as to the livelihoods of fishing families and communities throughout California and coastal Oregon. While Judge Oliver Wanger upheld the science underpinning the plan’s fundamental finding – that…

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House Committee: Air Pollution Rules!

Try this the next time you go camping at your favorite state or national park: dump into your campsite’s fire pit a few tires, a little plastic, a dash of chemical solvents and some random industrial waste—then strike a match and let the inferno begin. Oh sure, you’ll be sending toxic pollutants into the air…

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Tr-Ash Talk: TVA Victims Want Justice

As a federal trial on the TVA Kingston coal ash disaster continues in Knoxville, some of our elected leaders in Congress are including the coal ash rule (already delayed due to heavy industry opposition) in a list of rules that will be analyzed – and likely even more delayed. But more on that later. The…

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