New York Times Defends the Right to Breathe

Over the weekend, the editorial page of the New York Times once again defended the right to breathe clean air. This time, the paper focused on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s recently proposed health standards for power plants’ toxic air emissions, which are expected to save as many as 17,000 lives every year by reducing…

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Longview Coal Export Terminal Application Withdrawn

Residents of Longview, Wash., can exhale a sigh of relief today, secure in the knowledge that their health will not be jeopardized by a coal shipping terminal. Australian-based Ambre Energy and its subsidiary Millennium Bulk Logistics announced this week that the companies are withdrawing a permit application to construct a coal export facility in Longview…

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Fight To Protect Gray Wolf Shifts To Capitol Hill

It is with deep regret that we must announce that Earthjustice was forced to step down as the courtroom lawyer for wolves in the Northern Rockies in the two cases related to the Fish and Wildlife Service’s action to remove or reduce their Endangered Species Act protections. This action was not our choice, but a…

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Toxic Air's Toll: Thousands of Preventable Deaths

The New York Times Green blog has a good post today that spells out in no uncertain terms the cost of delaying health standards for coal plants’ toxic air pollution: thousands of preventable deaths. Earlier this week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took the historic action of proposing these long-overdue health standards, which are expected…

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A Chance To Do It Right On Western Coal

In 2009, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar issued an order taking aim at climate change, saying: “The Department is … taking the lead in protecting our country’s lands and resources from the dramatic effects of climate change….  The realities of climate change require us to change how we manage the land, water, fish and wildlife … and…

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Some Utilities Support EPA Power Plant Clean Up

Today’s major announcement from the EPA to cut mercury and other toxic air pollution from hundreds of coal-fired power plants across the country was welcome news here at Earthjustice. For nearly 15 years, we’ve been fighting in the courts for cuts like these so that our communities and our children can breathe a little easier. Turns…

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Cleaning Up Biggest Polluters – Will Congress Have Our Backs?

As I write this, the Senate is debating an amendment to a small business bill that would block the Environmental Protection Agency from setting limits on carbon dioxide emissions from the nation’s biggest polluters. We’ve been making a lot of noise about this effort to cripple the EPA and obstruct health- and science-based standards for climate…

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EPA Clean Air Rules Will Create Up To 1.4 million Jobs

The power sector will invest almost $200 billion total in capital improvements over the next five years, total employment created by these capital investments is estimated at 1.46 million jobs, or about 290,000 jobs on average in each of the next five years.

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First Health Protections Against Coal Plants' Toxic Air Unveiled

Two decades ago, Congress promised the American public major reductions of the most dangerous air pollutants—toxics such as mercury, arsenic and lead that cause major health problems and can lead even to premature death. Today, after a long struggle in which Earthjustice proudly participated, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took historic action to clean up…

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