Clean Air Means Health, Jobs for Americans

EPA chief Lisa Jackson was on Capitol Hill today to testify before a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. On topic was a bill from Rep. Fred Upton, chairman of the committee, that would prevent the EPA from taking action on climate change. Lisa Jackson rightfully acknowledged in her opening statements, however, that…

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Congress v. The Environment: EPA's Enemy Within

(UPDATE 2/10: For another take on the issue, check out this item posted on Grist from the Natural Resources Defense Council.) Enemies of the Environmental Protection Agency are rallying today in Congress, but they may find their efforts blunted by an act of environmental weakness by Stephen L. Johnson, a former EPA administrator under President George W. Bush.…

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Tr-Ash Talk: Coal Ash Dirtying Maryland’s Waters

(This is the latest in a weekly series of 50 Tr-Ash Talk blogs discussing the dangers of coal ash. Earthjustice hopes that by December 2011, the third anniversary of the TVA coal ash spill, the EPA will release a coal ash rule establishing federally enforceable regulations ensuring the safe disposal of this toxic waste. Vernice Miller-Travis is…

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Trail Report: Pinnacles National Monument

A few hours south of San Francisco—and just east of the valley that was often Steinbeck's stage—are the reddened remains of an ancient volcano known as the Neenach.

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Health, Economy Benefit From Limits On Power Plant Air Pollution

Next month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will propose the first ever health protections against power plants’ toxic air pollution. No industrial source of dirty air poses greater risks to human health or the environment than these juggernauts, which have never been subject to federal limits on their emissions of mercury, arsenic, acid gases and…

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The Toxic Wrinkle in My Wrinkle-Free Shirts

(Editor’s note: This is a cross post from Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.) In this fast-paced world, who has time for ironing? Not me. Between educating policy-makers on the need to protect Americans from toxic chemicals during the week and playing sports on the weekends, I barely have time to wash my clothes let alone iron them.…

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Reagan's Eco Legacy Is A Trifle One-Sided

Ronald Reagan, who would have turned 100 this month, famously (almost) said “You’ve seen one redwood, you’ve seen them all.”  From that comment alone you could tell about his commitment to the environment. Or lack thereof. His legacy as president has been getting a more nuanced treatment, lately.  But aside from helping save the ozone layer,…

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EPA Reviewing Air Permit in Kansas Coal Plant

Late last week, the EPA began questioning an air-quality permit issued by Kansas that will allow expansion of the coal-fired poser plant by Sunflower Electric.

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NY and LA Times Call for Clean Air

Over the weekend, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times both ran editorials in defense of clean air. Set against the increasing number of congressional maneuvers to stymie the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and its popular programs for clean air, it is refreshing to see two of the nation’s largest newspapers take a…

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Congress v. The Environment: Look Out, EPA

Jim DiPeso, executive director of Republicans for Environmental Protection, has a nice blog post describing the latest machinations of the GOP (and coal state Sen. Jay Rockefeller) taking aim at the EPA.  Gingrich wants to abolish the agency that has helped clear the air and clean the water.  (He’s apparently nailing down the all-important “don’t…

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