Taking Big Coal to Court in Kansas

The proposed expansion of a coal-fired power plant near Holcomb, Kansas has been the center of controversy for several years. And now the issue is back in the news.

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Friday Finds: I Spy Climate Change

Secret agents discover climate change preparedness hole Military officials, CIA analysts and outside experts believe that the U.S. government is ill prepared to act on climate changes “that will threaten to bring instability to places of U.S national interest,” reports McClatchy Newspapers. Bureaucratic infighting and a lack of funding are just two reasons for this…

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Thank You, Rep. Janice Schakowsky!

Last week, this time, Earthjustice was responding to news of a resolution introduced by Rep. John Carter (R-TX), seeking to block important clean air protections. Using the Congressional Review Act, Rep. Carter aims to undo protective health standards that will reduce mercury and other toxic emissions from cement plants. If successful, Rep. Carter’s resolution would…

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Tr-Ash Talk: A is for Arsenic

(The following is the first in a weekly series of 50 upcoming Tr-Ash Talk blogs discussing the dangers of coal ash. Earthjustice hopes that by December 2011, the third anniversary of the TVA coal ash spill, the EPA will release a coal ash rule establishing federally enforceable regulations ensuring the safe disposal of this toxic waste.) Arsenic,…

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Taking Australia Beyond Zero Emissions

By now, we all know the refrain. Sure, politicians and pundits tell us, it would be swell to make the switch to clean energy, but such a move is infeasible at any time in the near future. No, they say, we must not stray from our well-hewn path of environmental destruction paved by fossil fuels.…

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Oil Spill Commission Report Sounds Familiar—And Welcome

If you add up all the indicting statements, conclusions and recommendations in President Obama’s oil spill commission report—released today—you’d think outlaws are running the oil industry under charter from federal regulators. Which is no surprise to us at Earthjustice. Much of what the commission says is what we’ve been saying (in court, in Congress and…

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Ocean Scientists Says There are More Fish To Catch…

Oceans scientist Steve Murawski has got some good news for our fishermen clients in New England: there may be more fish to catch next year. If you remember, many fishermen had to retire their nets because of too few fish. In an Associated Press report, Murawski heralds the end of overfishing as a result of a…

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Commission Blames Entire Oil Industry for Gulf Oil Spill

Since last April 20, when BP’s well rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded and sank, we’ve been referring to the ensuing oil flood as “the BP oil spill.” Today, as we analyze a preliminary report from the federal government’s oil spill commission, we are inclined to change our reference. Based on the report’s conclusions,…

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Congressional Assault on Health Protections is Underway

The Republican majority in the 112th Congress has named the EPA as its chief adversary and is preparing to thwart the agency’s efforts to reduce pollution—including attempting to take down standards to control toxic air emissions from cement plants.

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