The Toxic Legacy of Lead

The history of lead in paint and products is rife with deception – and communities still face the burden of lead lurking in their homes decades later.

The history of lead in paint and products is rife with deception – and communities still face the burden of lead lurking in their homes decades later.

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Clearing the Air in Our National Parks

Two identical photos of Mount Trumbull in Grand Canyon National Park demonstrating the change in air quality due to regional haze pollution.

Watch Earthjustice set the record straight during upcoming oral arguments about the Navajo Generating Station’s dirty emissions and its outsized impact on our national treasures, including the Grand Canyon.

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Comunidad latina ignorada en la respuesta a la crisis del agua en Flint

Entre los más afectados en la crisis del agua en Flint están los residentes indocumentados de habla hispana que viven en las sombras, a menudo aislados del alcance de la difusion pública y de las campañas de información.

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