A Communist Plot

Remember the John Birch Society? The virulent right-wing McCarthyist outfit born in Indianapolis in 1958? I hadn’t heard of it for years, would have guessed it had passed quietly back into the fourteenth century, but low and behold it’s still alive, kicking, screaming, and denying the fact of global warming and climate change. A quick…

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Remember the John Birch Society? The virulent right-wing McCarthyist outfit born in Indianapolis in 1958? I hadn’t heard of it for years, would have guessed it had passed quietly back into the fourteenth century, but low and behold it’s still alive, kicking, screaming, and denying the fact of global warming and climate change.

A quick search suggests that there are chapters in all 50 states, which is a sobering thought. Google alerts just found this, which I found slightly amusing, right in line with the joker from the Wall Street Journal I was ranting about the other day.

I don’t have much more to say about this at the moment save for the hope that when your opponents are raving idiots maybe you’re actually ahead of the game. Oh, and this gives me an excuse to show you the lyrics to a song about the Birchers, one of the funniest political songs of the ’60s or maybe ’70s. By the Chad Mitchell Trio.

Tom Turner literally wrote the books about Earthjustice during his more-than-25 years with the organization. A lifelong resident of Berkeley, CA, he is most passionate about Earthjustice's maiden issue: wilderness preservation.