Congress v. The Environment: Look Out, EPA

Jim DiPeso, executive director of Republicans for Environmental Protection, has a nice blog post describing the latest machinations of the GOP (and coal state Sen. Jay Rockefeller) taking aim at the EPA.  Gingrich wants to abolish the agency that has helped clear the air and clean the water.  (He’s apparently nailing down the all-important “don’t…

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Jim DiPeso, executive director of Republicans for Environmental Protection, has a nice blog post describing the latest machinations of the GOP (and coal state Sen. Jay Rockefeller) taking aim at the EPA.  Gingrich wants to abolish the agency that has helped clear the air and clean the water.  (He’s apparently nailing down the all-important “don’t need to breathe or drink” demographic).

DiPeso also schools Rep. Fred Upton and Wyoming Sen. John Barasso for their rolling over for global warming polluters.  

And the 112th Congress is just getting going.  Better hold on.  The next two years are going to be a bumpy ride.

Ted was an attorney in the Rocky Mountain regional office from 2003–2018. He protected wilderness, roadless areas and the planet's climate on behalf of conservation groups in the Four Corners' states.