EJ90: Weekly News in 90 Seconds

Hello, unEarthed readers! I’d like to introduce you to a new Earthjustice production designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest Earthjustice litigation news. It’s a podcast called EJ90. And the best part is that it’s only 90 seconds, so you can quickly get updates on wildlife protection, natural resource conservation, and environmental health and…

This page was published 13 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

Hello, unEarthed readers! I’d like to introduce you to a new Earthjustice production designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest Earthjustice litigation news. It’s a podcast called EJ90. And the best part is that it’s only 90 seconds, so you can quickly get updates on wildlife protection, natural resource conservation, and environmental health and safety news, all before you start your day. You can also subscribe to EJ90 on iTunes and make it part of your daily podcast listening routine. 

So far, EJ90 has covered everything from Arctic drilling to Obama’s decision to undermine the EPA’s ozone standards.  Here’s a roundup of the latest EJ90 podcasts:

Biggest U.S. Dam Removal to Restore Salmon Runs
September 16, 2011: The removal of the Elwha River Dams in Washington state is expected to spark a revival in salmon populations. Earthjustice Managing Attorney Todd True comments.

Obama Undermines Efforts to Clean Up Ozone Pollution
September 9, 2011: The Obama administration undermines the EPA’s efforts to clean up deadly smog. Earthjustice President Trip Van Noppen comments.

Poll Finds Appalachians Strongly Oppose Mountaintop Removal Mining
August 19, 2011: A major new poll finds that a majority of Appalachian voters oppose mountaintop removal mining. Earthjustice Campaign Manager Liz Judge comments.

Feds Green Light Risky Arctic Drilling
August 12, 2011: Federal regulators approve Shell’s plan to drill in the fragile Arctic Ocean, despite lacking an adequate oil spill response plan. Holly Harris, a member of Earthjustice’s Arctic legal team, comments.


Please email me at jknoblauch@earthjustice if you have any questions or comments. Thanks! 

Jessica is a former award-winning journalist. She enjoys wild places and dispensing justice, so she considers her job here to be a pretty amazing fit.