How to Detox Your Spring Cleaning

Everybody’s doing it. You can, too! Learn at 'Green Parties'

This page was published 14 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

If you’re like me, you haven’t quite gotten around to your spring cleaning. But this year, I’m actually excited to get started. Why? Because I’m detoxing my spring cleaning. And you can, too!

This spring, Earthjustice members are hosting ‘Green Cleaning’ parties around the country (and around the world—we just got a note from someone in Shanghai!). Our partners at Women’s Voices for the Earth have been organizing these parties for years—where people gather with friends and family to learn how to mix their own safe and effective surface cleaners, laundry detergent and more.

We’ve got parties happening in Danbury, CT; Denver, CO; Dallas, TX; Flint, MI; Portland, ME, among other places. Sign up here to learn more about hosting one in your town!

Some of the chemicals commonly found in household cleaners have been linked to reproductive problems and asthma. But most cleaning product manufacturers (including four companies Earthjustice is suing) won’t disclose the chemicals in their products—making it hard for people to avoid chemicals of concern or ingredients that might trigger chemical sensitivities.

That’s why this spring (and until these companies come clean), Earthjustice supporters are calling on cleaning product manufacturers to do the right thing (check out this column by Mother Jones on what’s in cleaners). And in the meantime, we’ll continue swapping out mystery products for homemade non-toxic cleaners made from ingredients we can trust.

Here’s a sample recipe (check out our campaign page for more ideas and to swap recipes with other Earthjustice supporters):

Surface Scrub
Use in place of commercial creamy scrubs to clean stained and dirtied surfaces.

Ingredients & Supplies:

1½ cup baking soda

½ cup water

  • bowl or jar

Instructions: Mix baking soda and water in the jar (or bowl) to create a paste. Spread paste over surface, and wipe with sponge. For stubborn stains, let paste stand for 15 minutes before sponging off.

From 2007–2018, Kathleen partnered with clean energy coalitions and grassroots organizations, empowered communities to fight against fracking, and worked with the Policy & Legislation team to have their messages heard by legislators.