Natural Gas Industry + Oil Industry = Filthy Bedfellows
America's Natural Gas Alliance and the American Petroleum Institute, the respective lobbying groups for the gas and oil industries, will merge on January 1, 2016.
This page was published 8 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.
America’s Natural Gas Alliance, which for years has been plugging its product as climate-friendly, finally got tired of greenwashing and jumped into bed with the notoriously filthy oil industry, which has never bothered to greenwash its product.
Bound together by their common love for fracking—and about a hundred other things—ANGA and the American Petroleum Institute, the respective lobbying groups for the gas and oil industry, will officially merge on January 1.
The anti-fracking movement was never fooled by ANGA’s greenwashing claims (despite their ubiquitous and problematic advertising campaign) and has always seen that the oil and gas industries are brothers from the same mother.
Check out our short animated video featuring the Oil & Gas twins, and read about all the ways the oil and gas industries are intertwined on our site.
From 2007–2018, Kathleen partnered with clean energy coalitions and grassroots organizations, empowered communities to fight against fracking, and worked with the Policy & Legislation team to have their messages heard by legislators.