We Still Have a Lot to Be Thankful For
During this time of political upheaval, let's take a moment to reflect on all that we've accomplished this past year.

This page was published 8 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.
During this time of transition and change, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve accomplished together in the past year. Earthjustice secured more than 50 victories safeguarding our national treasures, defending imperiled wildlife, advancing clean energy and fighting back against corporate polluters.
None of this would have been possible without our supporters. As we gear up for the big challenges that lie ahead, we want to thank our members for fighting alongside us and helping to win these landmark cases:
“I first visited the Grand Canyon in my early 20s, many years ago. Please reject this proposed development and protect this national treasure so that my child and generations to come can experience the same peace and awe that I experienced many years ago.”
-Laura F.
Safeguarding Southwestern Wolves
“As someone who lives in Arizona, I feel it is vitally important that politics NOT get in the way of science. It is vital for the sake of this species. These wolves have a right to exist as they always have; they are a part of the Southwest. Please, Governor Ducey, do the right thing. We are the stewards of this beautiful state we live in. Don't let this species disappear; don't let special interest groups dissuade you in this matter. You know in your heart what the right thing to do is. Do the right thing. Thank you.”
– Joy P.
“As an RN for 35 years, I can tell you from experience the effect of air pollution on asthma and related lung problems is up over 800 percent. Please help your children and grandchildren grow up on a beautiful planet so they can walk, hike and canoe and enjoy their life not attached to inhalers, medication and even breathing machines. Please take a bold step forward, thank you.”
-Patricia B.
“As an asthmatic myself and a clinician who has worked with many children with respiratory illnesses, I feel compelled to speak out about the terrible costs of toxic air pollution. Apart from its life-threatening aspect, it costs this country millions, if not billions, in lost productivity, healthcare costs etc. Please use your power to stop this willful destruction!”
Mary Lou P.
Saving Yellowstone National Park
“As a Republican and small business owner, I am also an avid supporter of our parks and hold the greater Yellowstone region dear for its ecological importance and beauty. Please do all you can to protect it! Thank you.”
Patrick M.
To all of our supporters—your voices truly matter.
Thank you.