The Latest by Alejandro Dávila Fragoso

Public Affairs and Communications Officer for Healthy Communities

Alejandro is a public affairs and communications officer at Earthjustice. His work is focused on healthy communities issues.

November 25, 2019

This Thanksgiving, Remember that Hands Grow Your Food

The people who grow our food deserve the same health protections that you and I enjoy. This Thanksgiving, you can take action to help them.

Ramiro Ramirez visits his parents' graves at Jackson Ranch Cemetery in Texas. Trump's wall would make such visits harder.
July 8, 2019

Defendiendo Las Tierras Fronterizas del Muro de Trump

Clientes de Earthjustice están llevando a la administración Trump a los tribunales para proteger la tierra que los sostiene

Ramiro Ramirez visits his parents' graves at Jackson Ranch Cemetery in Texas. Trump's wall would make such visits harder.
July 5, 2019

Defending the Border Lands From Trump’s Wall

Earthjustice clients are taking the Trump administration to court to protect the land that sustains them.

Third-grade teacher Oscar Ramos believes pesticide exposure is causing a spike in learning disorders among his students.
March 22, 2019

As EPA Drags Feet on Toxic Pesticide Ban, Parents and Teachers Take Action

As we take the EPA to court to force it to ban chlorpyrifos, communities are organizing to protect their kids.

Semana de Concienciación Nacional para los Trabajadores Agrícolas
March 27, 2018

Esta semana, recuerda las manos que cosechan tu comida

Esta es la XIX Semana Nacional de Concienciación del Trabajador Agrícola. Durante esta semana, el país le rinde honor a los 2.5 millones de hombres y mujeres que trabajan la tierra, desde el amanecer hasta que se pone el sol.

Heydee Pérez y su hijo, Yenel Calera, no han recibido ayuda alguna una semana después del huracán María.
October 2, 2017

Huracán María: Puerto Rico devastada y ‘desesperada’ porque la respuesta federal es insuficiente

Myrna Conty ha vivido tres décadas de tormentas en su natal Puerto Rico, pero nada de eso se compara con lo que vivió después de los huracanes Irma y María.

Heydee Perez and her son, Yenel Calera, have not received any aid one week after Hurricane Maria.
October 2, 2017

‘People Are Getting Desperate’ in Puerto Rico as Federal Response Not Equal to the Crisis

Will the U.S. and other wealthier nations start to step up to help the poorer, more vulnerable communities as the impacts of climate change become increasingly more severe?

March 13, 2017

Puentes de Amor Derribarán los Muros del Miedo

Nuestras comunidades fronterizas necesitan cambios sustantivo, positivos, y no un muro que las divida.

Our border communities need funding for schools, job training and environmental clean-up, not a divisive wall.
March 13, 2017

Bridges of Love Should Trump Walls of Fear

Our border communities need funding for schools, job training and environmental clean-up, not a divisive wall.