The Latest by Jessica A. Knoblauch

Senior Staff Writer

Jessica is a former award-winning journalist. She enjoys wild places and dispensing justice, so she considers her job here to be a pretty amazing fit.

November 18, 2011

Friday Finds: The CIA’s Climate Change Secret

CIA shouldn’t be keeping secrets about climate change A new report by a U.S. government agency known as the Defense Science Board says that the CIA needs to stop being so secret about its climate change research, reports the UK Guardian. Though climate denialism in government seems to be all the rage these days, the …

November 17, 2011

Stormy Waters: Earthjustice’s Steve Roady on Oceans

This is the first in a series of Q and As on Earthjustice’s oceans work, which works to prevent habitat loss and overfishing, as well as reduce the impacts of climate change on the ocean.

November 11, 2011

Friday Finds: Tax Evasion Exxon Style

Energy companies dodge taxes while getting rich off subsidies  Most people try to pay as little in taxes as possible, but energy companies like Exxon Mobil and PG&E have taken tax dodging to the extreme by actually making money off taxpayers while paying zero dollars in taxes, reports ThinkProgress. According to an analysis by the …

November 9, 2011

Occupy the Earth

It’s not every day that you see a “stop police brutality” sign coupled with signs about protecting the environment, but that was the scene I came upon last week while attending an Occupy Oakland. If you’ve been paying any attention to the Occupy Wall Street movement that now spans100 U.S. cities, you know that many …

November 3, 2011

Friday Finds: The Phantom Dust Menace

Republican dust up over phantom environmental regulation Conservative Republicans are so intent on eliminating “unnecessary” environmental regulations that they recently set their sights on eliminating a rule that doesn’t even exist, reports the Washington Post. The so-called “dust rule” regulates farm dust, which is mixed with things like dirt and dried cornstalk bits and is technically …

September 30, 2011

Friday Finds: Worried About Herbicides? Eat More Broccoli!

Monsanto’s new broccoli designed to fight company’s own environmental pollution Perhaps dismayed by the public’s outcry to genetically engineered (GE) crops and their environmental effects, last October America’s favorite biotech company, Monsanto, released a non-GE product that combines two different types of broccoli to create a sort of super broccoli that’s chock-full of nutrients, reports Grist. …

September 23, 2011

Friday Finds: Bacon Grease Blues

Chinese food regulations go down the gutter Some restaurants in China are taking Mom’s sage advice to reuse the bacon grease to a new, hazardous level, reports Time magazine. Recently, Chinese authorities announced a crackdown on so-called “gutter oil,” the resale of used cooking oil that’s been snagged from sewers or complacent restaurant owners. In …

September 19, 2011

Scoring Some Ink: Earthjustice in the News

Associated Press – “Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Second Lowest Level” Sept. 15, 2011 – Last week, scientists reported that Arctic sea ice melted to its second-lowest level since monitoring began more than 50 years ago. Earthjustice’s recent telepress conference on the issue brought together top scientists and NGOs to discuss the sea ice loss, …

September 19, 2011

EJ90: Weekly News in 90 Seconds

Hello, unEarthed readers! I’d like to introduce you to a new Earthjustice production designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest Earthjustice litigation news. It’s a podcast called EJ90. And the best part is that it’s only 90 seconds, so you can quickly get updates on wildlife protection, natural resource conservation, and environmental health and …

September 16, 2011

Friday Finds: Bye, Bye Great Barrier Reef

UN top scientist predicts coral reefs’ demise by end of century Coral reefs, often called the “rain forests of the oceans” due to their rich biodiversity, have been around for millions of years, but these ecosystems may be experiencing their last century, reports The Independent. Climate change and ocean acidification are the main factors causing …