The Latest by Sam Edmondson

Campaign Manager

Sam Edmondson was a campaign manager on air toxics issues from 2010 until 2012. He helped organize the first 50 States United for Healthy Air event. His desire to work at an environmental organization came from the belief that if we don't do something to change our unsustainable ways, we are in big trouble.

February 4, 2011

'Keep Your Hands Off My Clean Air Act Standards'

Alex Allred is a wife, mother of three, author, former Olympic bobsledder (!), and passionate advocate for clean air. Years ago, she and her family moved to Midlothian, Texas. Said Allred, “We moved here partly because we thought it would be a great place to raise our three kids.” Shortly after the move, however, Alex’s …

February 3, 2011

Power Plants: Unrivaled Sources of Mercury Air Pollution

When it comes to mercury pollution, coal-fired power plants are king. Two recent reports—one from the Environmental Integrity Project, the other from Environment America—take a look at the scope of the problem. EIP has meticulously tracked mercury pollution from power plants for years in their Dirty Kilowatts reports. But this year is an especially important …

February 2, 2011

America to EPA: Do More, Not Less

Sixty-three percent of Americans want the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency “to do more to hold polluters accountable and protect the air and water.” This according to a new survey conducted at the end of January by ORC International. Rep. John Carter (D-TX)—fast becoming a household name around here—isn’t part of that 63 percent. In early …

February 1, 2011

#Right2Breathe Recap: EPA Defends Bush-era Loophole

(Clean air is a life saver, which is why Earthjustice is working to ensure that polluters don’t stand in the way of safeguards against air pollution. Here’s a round up of some recent news in the ongoing campaign to protect our Right to Breathe.) Use the #right2breathe hashtag on Twitter to track campaign updates. EPA Defends Hazardous …

January 6, 2011

Congressional Assault on Health Protections is Underway

The Republican majority in the 112th Congress has named the EPA as its chief adversary and is preparing to thwart the agency’s efforts to reduce pollution—including attempting to take down standards to control toxic air emissions from cement plants.

December 30, 2010

Celebrating Americans Who Didn't Die in 2010

According to estimates from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 160,000 American lives were saved in 2010 by the Clean Air Act’s health protections. Four decades of clean air protections have made the U.S. stronger, healthier and more prosperous.

December 16, 2010

Mapping Mortality: Air Pollution's Deadly Impact

Excellent Pittsburgh Post-Gazette series looks at dirty air in western PA

November 9, 2010

Clean Air Act's Benefits Cannot Be Ignored

EPA chief scolds reps for looking at only one half of the ledger

November 1, 2010

Industry Flunkies Flunk Econ 101

Economists say industry-funded studies on air rules don’t make the grade

September 30, 2010

Latino Groups Urge Obama to Protect Them From Polluters

Uphold the Clean Air Act, groups ask