The Latest by Tom Turner

Author & Historian

Tom Turner literally wrote the books about Earthjustice during his more-than-25 years with the organization. A lifelong resident of Berkeley, CA, he is most passionate about Earthjustice's maiden issue: wilderness preservation.

August 25, 2009

IPCC Chairman Supports 350

Number refers to tolerable concentration of carbon in the atmosphere

August 19, 2009

Roadless Rising

Obama and the courts back roadless areas. Mostly.

August 11, 2009


Public money, climate change, and a short vacation

August 6, 2009

Claiming Credit

Everyone wants credit for the roadless victory

August 5, 2009

Roadless Rule Reinstated By Appeals Court

Another (welcome) twist in the Roadless saga

August 4, 2009

Could Southern California Help Save The Delta?

Water revolution is using locally available water

July 15, 2009

"Drill Baby" Attacks Climate Bill

American politics is a wonder. Let’s say you’re unhappy with the climate bill narrowly passed by the House of Representatives a while back. You think you might be able to influence the Senate and an eventual conference committee if you could get an opinion piece published in the Washington Post. Who would be your best …

July 14, 2009

U.S. Green Reputation Slammed, Or Not

I just received a most curious press release from GfK Public Affairs and Media. GfK, one of the largest marketing research companies in the world according to its website, conducted a poll to determine the ranking of various countries as "brands." The country with the best overall reputation is Germany. The U.S. finishes seventh. As …

July 8, 2009

Gentle Persuasion

As a candidate, Barack Obama promised to "uphold and defend" the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, which set out to protect nearly 60 million acres of pristine national forest lands across the country. Not long ago, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who has responsibility for the Forest Service among many things, announced that he will personally review …

July 8, 2009

Long Live Savage Rapids

The pictures are not what you’d generally call beautiful, but they’re stirring nonetheless: the early stages of the demolition of the Savage Rapids Dam on the Rogue River in Oregon, which has been killing salmon for decades. The demolition is the result of yeoman (yeowoman too) efforts by a cast of hundreds, including Earthjustice’s Mike …