Earthjustice goes to court for our planet.
We’re here because the earth needs a good lawyer.
Biden Wins — Let’s Get to Work for People and Planet
This page was published 4 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.
The people have spoken and Joe Biden is the president-elect. But the job isn’t finished. The last four years were about surviving. Now it’s time to rebuild so we can truly thrive! It‘s time for transformative change that builds an equitable, just, and climate-resilient world — leaving no one behind. Our survival and the survival of our planet depend on it.
What does Earthjustice expect this new administration to do in order to repair the damage?
- Tackle climate change. Now. Advance solutions that center Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) to repair and prevent these environmental harms. Quickly and efficiently nominate qualified candidates for cabinet positions.
- Immediately place a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and restore protections for endangered species.
- Invest in protecting public health and advancing pollution-free, clean energy solutions that create jobs and a more sustainable future.
Earthjustice remains as critical and vigilant under this administration as it does any administration. After four years of defense, the real work begins now.
- As the Trump administration departs, we will fight any last-minute environmental attacks.
- We must bolster our environmental laws and pass common-sense and science-based limits on polluting industries in order to lower emissions, protect human health, and proactively combat the climate crisis.
- We’ll continue to ground our work in justice and equity for all by collaborating with community partners who are closest to the problems and solutions.
We can make real progress if we all stay as engaged as we were during the election.
- Polluter industries will push the Biden administration to back away from its progressive environmental promises. We must combat the influence of corporate interests and enact necessary, life-saving solutions.
- Join our call for a reversal of the Trump administration’s Dirty Water Rule.
- Help us win a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on public lands: