Reducing Harm to Marine Mammals from Navy Sonar in the Pacific

The Navy and Fisheries Service estimate this training will cause 9.6 million instances of harm to whales, dolphins and other marine mammals. The operations will include active sonar and explosives, which are known to cause permanent injuries and deaths to marine mammals.

Case Overview

Earthjustice is representing Conservation Council for Hawaiʻi, the Animal Welfare Institute, Center for Biological Diversity and Ocean Mammal Institute in a lawsuit challenging the National Marine Fisheries Service’s approval of a 5-year plan by the U.S. Navy for testing and training activities off Hawaiʻi and Southern California. The Navy and Fisheries Service estimate this training will cause 9.6 million instances of harm to whales, dolphins and other marine mammals. The operations will include active sonar and explosives, which are known to cause permanent injuries and deaths to marine mammals.

The Navy and Fisheries Service estimate that, over the plan’s five-year period, training and testing activities will result in thousands of animals suffering permanent hearing loss, lung injuries or death. Millions of animals will be exposed to temporary injuries and disturbances, with many subjected to multiple harmful exposures.

The National Environmental Policy Act requires that a range of alternatives be considered, including alternatives that could be pursued with less environmental harm, and that the public have an opportunity to review and comment on that analysis. The groups have gone to court because the Fisheries Service approved the Navy’s plan without evaluating any alternatives that would place biologically important areas off-limits to training and testing.

Bottlenose dolphin.
The Navy and Fisheries Service estimate that training and testing activities will result in thousands of animals suffering permanent hearing loss, lung injuries or death. (David Aleksandrowicz / Shutterstock)

Case Updates

A pod of dolphins swim off the coast of Southern California.
November 12, 2015 Press Release

Navy Rethinks Pacific Training that Endangers Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Life

New environmental impact statement required for destructive sonar and explosives use

Dead dolphin
November 5, 2015 Article

New Navy Agreement Means Dolphins Won’t Die in Vain

A recent settlement agreement with the Navy ensures that marine mammal deaths will now be investigated to help avoid additional military sonar-related deaths.

Melon headed whales like these on the west side of Hawai'i island will now be protected from dangerous mid-frequency sonar training and testing.
September 14, 2015 Article: Victory

Navy Sonar Settlement Brings Historic Win for Whales

For the first time ever, the Navy has agreed to put vast swaths of important habitat for numerous marine mammals off limits to dangerous sonar training and testing.