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Polar bear mother with two cubs on an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean.
(Sepp Friedhuber / Getty Images)
Article January 22, 2019

Arctic Refuge Oil Surveys Put Polar Bears In The Crosshairs

Oil and gas industrialization would destroy one of the last truly intact wilderness areas on Earth

 Caribou make their way across the Lake Teshekpuk area of northern Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Update April 19, 2024

New Rules Protect Millions of Acres of Alaska’s Western Arctic from Future Oil Drilling

Over 10 million acres of ecologically sensitive land is now off limits to oil and gas drilling

Press Release May 14, 2008

Polar Bears Receive Endangered Species Act Protection

Global warming is harming bears; Earthjustice calls for a time out on Arctic Ocean oil and gas development

A polar bear rests on the edge of an ice sheet.
Article July 16, 2015

To Save Polar Bears, Cut Carbon and Say ‘No’ to Arctic Drilling

When it comes right down to it, there’s only one way to save the sea ice polar bears depend on: cut carbon emissions.

Press Release March 5, 2007

Earthjustice Supports Listing of Polar Bear as Threatened

Statement from Earthjustice attorney Clayton Jernigan regarding proposed Endangered Species Act protections for polar bears.

Press Release January 7, 2008

Federal Government Delays Protecting Polar Bear

Global warming continues to destroy polar bear habitat

Caribou in the Western Arctic.
(Kiliii Yüyan for Earthjustice)
Press Release April 19, 2024

Earthjustice Applauds New Rules Limiting Future Oil Drilling in Western Arctic

Biden administration unveils new regulations that will help preserve 13 million acres in Alaska

Fossil fuel pipelines crossing the Western Arctic in Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Update November 17, 2023

We Just Filed an Appeal to Stop the Willow Project

Willow would be catastrophic for the climate, and we will not drop our challenge.

Press Release February 13, 2007

Suit Filed to Protect Polar Bears, Walrus from Oil/Gas Explorations and Global Warming

Federal regulations fail to account for combined impacts in Beaufort Sea habitat area

Article February 13, 2009

Drilling Threatens 'Polar Bear Seas'

(UPDATE: Since this was posted, more than 21,000 Earthjustice supporters sent comments to the Minerals Management Service opposing expansion of oil and gas exploration in the "Polar Bear Seas.") The Beaufort and Chukchi seas are home to one in five of the world’s remaining polar bears. That’s why these icy waters north and west of…

document September 6, 2018

Polar Bears International expert analysis

An expert scientist from Polar Bears International outlines the threats facing polar bears on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if seismic exploration is allowed to proceed.

Article October 1, 2009

Climate Change Seesaw No Fun for Arctic Polar Bears

Ice-free summers add to existing pressures on bears

video March 3, 2011

Save Our Skins: The Polar Bear

The Endangered Species Act is under attack. From Congress. Politicians are risking the future of wolves, salmon, polar bears and more. Like any self-respecting member of the digital age, these animals are standing up for themselves by channeling the power of the Internet.

(U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
feature December 20, 2023

2023: Another Big Year Defending the Arctic

With your support, this year, we kept up the fight to preserve Arctic lands and waters that are critical to the survival of wildlife, culturally important to Indigenous peoples, and serve as vital bulwarks against climate change.

Grizzly 399 and three of her cubs walk down Pilgrim Creek Road in Grand Teton National Park.
(Courtesy of Tom Mangelsen)
Article March 9, 2016

Iconic Grizzly Bear to Become More Vulnerable

After decades of work to save them, government regulators are proposing to remove federal protections for Yellowstone’s iconic grizzlies.

A bowhead whale and calf surface in the Arctic Ocean.
(Amelia Brower / NOAA)
feature October 20, 2021

Northern Fights

By land and by sea, America’s Arctic is under attack. Earthjustice is fighting on multiple fronts to protect this irreplaceable region and keep the Arctic’s fossil fuels in the ground.

Press Release: Victory December 7, 2020

Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Approval of Offshore Oil-drilling Project in Arctic

Administration’s OK of Hilcorp’s Liberty Project violated federal law, ignored climate change

The 19 million acres of tundra, rivers and mountains of the Arctic Refuge shelter migratory birds from all 50 states and six continents each summer. To the Gwich'in people of northeast Alaska, this is sacred ground. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Press Release September 6, 2023

Earthjustice Celebrates Cancellation of Arctic Refuge Leases and Proposed Future Actions

Biden administration cancels illegal leases and opens new processes that could preserve cherished Arctic lands in Alaska. More is needed to tackle the biggest climate threat: further oil drilling on existing oil and gas leases in the Western Arctic