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Thank You
President Abigail Dillen expresses her gratitude for the steadfast supporters who have made a gift in their will to Earthjustice.

Video Transcript
“Hi, I’m Abbie Dillen. I’m the president of Earthjustice, and I hope I can convey some measure of the gratitude that we feel, through this wholly inadequate medium of video.
“On behalf of our entire Board and staff, I just want to say thank you for supporting this organization, at this time.
“We all want to look back on these years and know that we did everything in our power. And I am confident that we are doing just that at Earthjustice, with your help.
“With the support of you and so many others like you, we continue to grow our capacity. We continue to do more, and we are pursuing every avenue available to us — to advance climate solutions, to protect our fragile ecosystems and restore them, and to work with absolutely incredible leaders around the country to address long-standing environmental injustices.
“All of this work is possible, because of your support.
“Thank you.”
Why I Give to Earthjustice
“I started supporting Earthjustice when I saw the success they were having in the courts, and how they partnered with and represented other organizations. I knew their work was critical and would be needed far into the future.”
Earthjustice supporter