In a court case brought by Earthjustice, a judge found that federal agencies illegally guaranteed loans to a factory farm near the Buffalo National River without first effectively evaluating the potential environmental impacts of this swine operation.
An order by U.S. District Judge D. Price Marshall declares that federal agencies illegally guaranteed loans for factory hog farm in Buffalo River watershed
Coalition calls on state to fully reopen C & H’s permitting process; Local citizens ask University of Arkansas to cease unauthorized testing on their land
Request that the Farm Service Agency and Small Business Administration take corrective action to ensure that the environmental review and authorization of loan guarantee assistânce to C&H Hog Farms located in Mount Judea, Arkansas, comply with the law.
A coalition of conservation and citizen groups, represented by Earthjustice, are challenging the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency and the U.S. Small Business Administration for their inadequate review and improper authorization of loan guarantee assistance to C&H Hog Farms, a 6,500-pig factory farm located on a major tributary of the Buffalo National River,…
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