Library Search More Search Options Looking for more? Visit Career Opportunities to join our team at Earthjustice Visit Action Alerts for ways to get involved and take action Visit Our Team to meet Earthjustice's senior leadership and program staff document March 21, 2018 Legal Document: Order Granting Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California rules the Environmental Protection Agency illegally delayed implementation of key pesticide rules that in part prevent minors from working with the most dangerous pesticides. Press Release: Victory March 21, 2018 Judge: EPA Wrong in Quietly Delaying Protections from Most Toxic Pesticides Ruling protects public, workers, from pesticide poisoning feature February 28, 2018 The Federal Safety Standards That Protect Farmworkers and Their Families From The Dangers Of Pesticides And how each of us could be affected if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guts these safeguards. document June 14, 2017 CPA Rule Implementation Delay Complaint against the EPA for delaying for a year implementation of the updated Certified Pesticide Applicator Rule Press Release June 14, 2017 Trump's EPA Faces Lawsuit For Delaying Protections From Most Toxic Pesticides Rule delay threatens the lives of workers and average Americans Press Release May 11, 2017 EPA Delays Protections For Workers Applying Most Toxic Pesticides The EPA delays once again protections that safeguard most vulnerable workers from dangerous pesticides Press Release May 11, 2017 La EPA Retrasa Protecciones Para Los Trabajadores Que Aplican Los Pesticidas Más Tóxicos La agencia retrasa una vez más protecciones que salvaguardan a los trabajadores más vulnerables de peligrosos plaguicidas