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Utah's Deep Creek Mountains Wilderness Study Area is known for its rich biodiversity, perennial streams, and opportunities for solitude.
(BLM Photo)
case: Victory August 19, 2013

Protecting the Deep Creek Wilderness Study Area

The Deep Creek Mountains, located west of Salt Lake City and just east of the Nevada border, are western Utah’s highest mountains, an isolated “island” overlooking the Great Salt Lake Desert dominated by the 12,087-foot Ibapah Peak. This unique range rises 7,800 feet above the surrounding desert lands and is known for its rich biodiversity,…

document August 19, 2013

Deep Creek Mountains Settlement Map

document August 19, 2013

Deep Creek Mountains Settlement

Press Release August 19, 2013

BLM, Juab County, State of Utah and Conservationists Reach Agreement on Roads in Proposed Wilderness Areas of Western Utah

Balance struck that preserves both wilderness values and motorized use