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Press Release June 4, 2021

Newly Introduced Bill to Address Harmful Exemptions for Food Additives

Earthjustice applauds Rep. DeLauro’s Toxic Free Food Act

document September 12, 2018

GRAS Rule Challenge: Order on Motion to Dismiss

Court ruling finding that plaintiffs Center for Food Safety and Environmental Defense Fund have standing to pursue their claims based on harm to their members.

Earthjustice has filed a lawsuit challenging a rule that allows thousands of novel, untested chemicals to be used as food additives without FDA review.
(Christina Pauchi / Shutterstock)
Article June 1, 2017

FDA Allows Secret, Untested Chemicals into Our Food

Earthjustice has filed a lawsuit challenging a rule that allows thousands of novel, untested chemicals to be used as food additives without FDA review.

Chemical and food manufacturers often seek to add chemicals to processed food, typically to enhance flavor, add nutrients, or prevent spoilage. The public expects, and the law demands, that FDA ensure the safety of Americans’ food.
(Stephenie Schukraft / CC BY-NC 2.0)
case May 22, 2017

Suing the FDA to Protect Food Safety

Consumer, health, and food safety groups are challenging a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rule that undermines the integrity of our food safety system. Chemical and food manufacturers often seek to add chemicals to processed food, typically to enhance flavor, add nutrients, or prevent spoilage. Chemicals also often leach into foods from processing equipment and…

document May 22, 2017

Complaint For Declaratory And Injunctive Relief GRAS Rule Challenge

Plaintiffs Center for Food Safety, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Environmental Defense Fund, and Environmental Working Group (“Plaintiffs”) seek declaratory and injunctive relief with respect to a final rule promulgated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) entitled “Substances Generally Recognized as Safe,” 81 Fed. Reg. 54,960 (Aug. 17, 2016) (“final rule” or “GRAS Rule”).

The FDA rule allows manufacturers to decide for and by themselves—in secret—what can be added to processed foods. Today, an estimated 3,000 chemicals that have never been scrutinized by the FDA are in use.
(Anthony Starks / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Press Release May 22, 2017

Groups Sue FDA to Protect Food Safety

Seek to ensure food additives are found safe before being marketed to American consumers