In March 2012, Sen. Sherrod Brown voted to reduce toxic emissions from industrial power plants or boilers. As a result, thousands of children will be protected from hospital visits, severe asthma attacks and even death.
Somewhere along the road from their home districts to their offices in Washington, D.C., our Congressional representatives got their wires crossed. The American public sent them forth with a mandate to run the country, but instead, they’re ruining it. Toward the end of September, the House passed the first piece of House Majority Leader Eric…
Quick! Somebody tell Tipper Gore that “clean air” and “public health” are now considered dirty words. Well, at least in the U.S. House of Representatives. If the House had a swear jar, I’d bet such utterances would be as punishable as your garden variety expletives. Here’s why: The House is voting this week on two…
Imagine two tiny figures perched on a politician’s shoulders—one scientific, the other political. The scientist whispers in the politician’s ear: “You can save 6,500 lives every year with these health protections!” The tiny politician counters, “You can save those lives, but who will save you from the powerful industry lobbyists outside your door?” So with…
The EPA, today issued its final standard to protect Americans from the toxic air pollution emitted by industrial facilities like chemical plants, refineries and paper mills