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Concerned members of the public, organized by and other groups, carry a 200-yard inflatable pipeline around the Capitol Building in 2014, demanding that the President Obama reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
(Photo by Steven Tuttle via
Press Release February 24, 2015

President Vetoes Congress's Keystone Pipeline Bill

President Obama rejects Congress’s attempt to approve short-sighted pipeline and circumvent State department review

document February 23, 2012

Keystone XL Lobbyists FOIA Complaint

Regarding Keystone XL

Press Release February 23, 2012

State Department Sued for Not Disclosing Keystone XL Pipeline Lobbyists’ Communications

Campaign connections could raise possibility of bias in Keystone XL pipeline review

Article February 8, 2012

Times Columnist Spouts Keystone Nonsense

The New York Times describes Joe Nocera as a business columnist, but a quick scan of recent columns is very heavy on pieces about the woes of the NCAA, the National Collegiate Athletic Association. If today’s column is any indication, we’d all be better off if he stuck with sports. His thesis is that rejecting…

Article October 6, 2011

Plot Thickens On Politics Of Keystone Pipeline XL

Documents released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Earthjustice have uncovered strong ties between Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the team of lobbyists hired to promote the pipeline’s approval at the State Department. The documents provide evidence of inappropriately cozy relationships between State Department employees and lobbyists for…

document October 5, 2011

Amended FOIA Request

Regarding Keystone XL

Press Release October 5, 2011

Pipeline Investigation Expands To Include Broader Web Of Lobbyists

Groups amend public records request to include more lobbyists with Clinton, Obama ties

Press Release September 21, 2011

Conservation Groups: Canada's Tar Sands Extraction Violates International Wildlife Treaties

Petition asks U.S. Interior Dept. to investigate Canada’s failure to protect threatened caribou and migratory birds

Article September 21, 2011

Protecting Caribou, Migratory Birds From Tar Sands

Earthjustice petitions to compel analysis of threat to wildlife

Article August 26, 2011

The Fight to Stop the Tar Sands Is Not Over

The U.S. Department of State today issued the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the Keystone XL pipeline project, which would transport tar sands crude oil from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast. Despite the fact that the Alberta tar sands represent the second largest pool of carbon in the world, despite the fact that…

Tar sands in Alberta, Canada.
(Photo by Dru Oja Jay / Domion)
case June 9, 2011

Challenging The State Department’s Refusal To Disclose Tar Sands Communications

The Keystone XL pipeline is an impending environmental disaster: it would encourage use of some of the dirtiest fossil fuels on earth, incentivize the rampant destruction of Alberta’s boreal forests, and pose risks all along the pipeline’s multi-thousand mile route. The Keystone XL pipeline has become one of the most controversial environmental issues of our…

document May 18, 2011

Keystone XL Pipeline FOIA Complaint

Regarding Keystone XL

Press Release May 18, 2011

State Department Sued For Not Disclosing Clinton Correspondence With Oil Lobbyist

Groups question what impact the relationship will have on controversial pipeline decision