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Traffic moves freely across the Bay Bridge towards San Francisco.
(trekandshoot / Shutterstock)
Article June 25, 2014

Building a Healthy Living Plan for a Growing Bay Area

Irene’s commute provides a snapshot of the economic and demographic changes affecting all the neighborhoods around the Bay Area. Can public transportation keep pace with residents’ needs? Will people continue to find affordable housing near their workplaces? How will these changes shape the identities of our neighborhoods?

Traffic moves freely across the Bay Bridge towards San Francisco.
(trekandshoot / Shutterstock)
Press Release June 17, 2014

Agencies Agree to Disclose Environmental Impacts of Bay Area Transportation and Housing Plan

Settlement lays groundwork for robust regional planning

Article August 28, 2013

Planning to Prevail Against Transportation Pollution

California’s strong efforts to combat harmful climate pollution make these two large urban centers the perfect places to advance a modern vision for transportation.

San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge. The current Plan Bay Area will result in more time on the roads and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
case August 19, 2013

Advocating for a Smarter Growth Plan for California's Bay Area

Plan Bay Area is a long-range integrated transportation and land-use/housing strategy through 2040 for the San Francisco Bay Area. Its objectives are to improve the reliability and accessibility of public transportation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while overseeing smart growth. The proposed plan fails to deliver on public transit, city planning and climate change goals.…

document August 19, 2013

Plan Bay Area Challenge

Press Release August 19, 2013

Community Groups File Legal Challenge to Bay Area Planning Agencies for a Better, Smarter Growth Plan

Current plan doesn’t deliver on public transit, city planning, or climate change goals