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For more than 100 million years, sea turtles have charted the seven seas. (Irina Kozhemyakina / iStockphoto)
case November 5, 2012

Keeping Sea Turtles And Rare Albatross Out Of Longlines

Longline fishing boats hunting swordfish trail up to 60 miles of fishing line suspended in the water with floats, with as many as 1,000 baited hooks set at regular intervals. Sea turtles get hooked while trying to take bait or become entangled while swimming through the nearly invisible lines—encounters that can drown the turtles or…

document November 3, 2012

Sea Turtle Longline Complaint

Press Release November 2, 2012

Lawsuit Filed to Protect Endangered Sea Turtles, Rare Albatross

Deadly Hawaiʻi swordfish longline fishery the cause