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Heat pumps line the rooftop of an apartment building. Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling while using significantly less energy compared with other technologies. (alacatr / Getty Images)
Press Release June 27, 2024

Gas Industry Tries (Again) to Block Washington State’s Climate-Friendly Building Codes

Climate, health, and renewable energy groups intervene to defend new, progressive statewide building codes that took effect in March

document June 27, 2024

Motion to Intervene: Washington State’s Climate-Friendly Building Codes

A coalition of climate, health, and renewable energy groups that successfully defended Washington State’s new building codes are intervening to once more beat back another desperate attempt by industry to thwart Washington State’s progress toward climate goals.

An outside unit to a heat pump system outside a home. (Michael Penn for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory March 8, 2024

Judge Denies Industry Challenge to Delay Implementation of Washington’s New Climate and Health-Friendly Building Codes

New statewide building codes incentivizing heat pumps will take effect in mid-March

Heat pumps line the rooftop of an apartment building. Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling while using significantly less energy compared with other technologies. (alacatr / Getty Images)
Press Release: Victory August 7, 2023

Industry Plaintiffs Drop Lawsuit Challenging Washington State’s Climate-Friendly Building Codes

The industry request to drop the legal challenge in federal court is a win for climate and health advocates and marks the second Northwest electrification legal victory in a week

Press Release: Victory June 25, 2012

Federal Appellate Court Upholds Washington Energy Efficiency Rules

Court of Appeals preserves consumers’ ability to save millions, State’s ability to reduce global warming pollution

Washington’s new code sets strong energy efficiency requirements for new home construction.
(Department of Energy Photo)
case: Victory April 11, 2011

Defending Washington’s Innovative Building Code

In February 2011, a federal court upheld Washington’s 2009 building energy code in a victory for conservation and energy groups. Buildings are responsible for 40% of our nation’s total energy use, and constructing energy-efficient new buildings helps reduce energy use and homeowners’ energy bills. Washington’s new code sets strong energy efficiency requirements for new home…

Press Release: Victory February 8, 2011

Court Rejects Challenge to Washington Energy Efficiency Rules

Judge preserves consumers’ ability to save millions, global warming pollution reductions

Press Release July 6, 2010

Energy and Conservation Groups Seek to Preserve State Energy Efficiency Rules

At Risk — Consumers’ Ability to Save Millions, Global Warming Pollution Reductions