Court finds that the NYS-PSC’s approval of the sale of the Digihost/Fortistar power plant did not comply with New York’s Climate Law; The PSC now required to analyze the transaction under the CLCPA
The climate-killing cryptominer Greenidge Generation failed its attempt to challenge DEC authority under the CLCPA but will have an opportunity to gather more evidence to support its permit renewal application back in administrative court
The Oregon Public Utility Commission requires NW Natural to stop using customer funds to subsidize gas pipeline expansion, and removes costs for the company’s lobbying activities from rates
SB 1221, authored by Senator Dave Min, will enable 30 community electrification pilot projects in California as cost-effective alternatives to gas pipeline replacements
Southern California is set to replace over a million pieces of gas-powered equipment with zero-emissions technology and cut smog-harming NOx pollution by 5.6 tons per day